This unit reflects the content standards for visual arts in the Visual Arts Standards from Connecticut Curriculum Framework. Vis-à-vis the following: Students will develop understanding of the process through the development of the culminating assignment, learning about typography and the technique of mounting various works on one piece. As well as develop skills in planning techniques such as thumbnail sketches for reflection. This also meets the standard for developing organizational principals of art. In their culminating assignment students are arranging symbolic images to convey meaning and must demonstrate understanding of symbolism and communications. Students will be learning history through visual language thus meeting the standard for developing knowledge of history and culture. Through the visit to the Yale Art gallery especially, students will be analyzing the work of others and representational bias. They will also be reflecting on their own work and the work of others to analyze, interpret and evaluate their own images. The goal of the unit is making connections between their art and the common space in which it is shared, they will learn about the value of art-making in developing the narrative of various cultures, and will be making connections with daily life in the imagery they select and in the planning process.