Barbara A. Sasso
The unit would complement New Haven School District’s curriculum unit for grade 9, identification of self. It could also complement curriculum units for grade 10, which ask students to evaluate the individual and society. Lessons include assignments that meet Common Core Standards for Reading Literature in gathering evidence and analyzing text and in determining purpose or theme, in analyzing character through use of dialect and in understanding shifts in cultural expression. Analysis will include a variety of media, including literary narratives, poetry, visual images, film and music. Lessons also present opportunities to practice Common Core Writing Standards in writing about personal opinions and experiences and gathering examples for research. The lessons incorporate graded discussions and ask students to create video PSA’s to build self-esteem and counter racism, both of which give students opportunities to practice Common Core Standards in Language, Speaking and Listening. In this unit as well, students will assess how formal or informal language can be powerfully crafted to convey purpose or meaning, an important Standard in Language.