Alva Roy Hanson Jr.
Transportation Efficiency
We will discuss fuel efficient cars and compare and contrast different vehicles. As an activity, students will choose two different vehicles and have to compare their fuel efficiency and emissions. They will have to determine the best choice of vehicle for themselves and the environment.
Transportation Conservation
We will discuss public transportation, carpooling, biking, etc. As an activity, students will have to campaign around school to get more of their peers and teachers to conserve when dealing with transportation. They can choose from a brochure, poster, YouTube video, etc. in order to get the word out around school that transportation conservation is important to the future of our environment.
Building Efficiency
We will discuss how buildings are designed and the energy they need. They will have to design a “Green Building” in order to prove their understanding on how to conserve energy when building a mall, movie theater, or apartment building. They will also have to design the layout of the landscape. They will incorporate trees, water, etc. as a way to describe how to make the building run more efficiency.
Efficient Energy Production
We will discuss how to properly insulate a home, in order to use less heat. We will also discuss shutting the water and lights off when we are not actively using them. We will discuss weather proofing homes and finding ways to use renewable energy. Our students will have to find 10 ways to save energy and reduce its production within their day-to-day lives.
Field Trip
To culminate the mitigation of climate change section of the unit, we will visit Kroon Hall, which is a sustainable building at Yale University. After the field trip, students will be able to compare and contrast the differences of a “regular” building and a “green” building. They will be able to discuss the economic and social benefits of a green building and how they best serve our environment.