Lesson Title
Strategies and Activities
“A World of Money”
View documentary about the history of money in human society and become familiar with basic economic terms
Cornell note taking while viewing documentary
Responding to text-based questions
Class discussion
Introduction to economic systems
Handouts on market, command, and market economies
Graphic organizers for comparing and contrasting
Quality of Life
Define and describe measures of infant mortality, life expectancy, birth rate, death rate, literacy rate, poverty rate, per capita income, gross domestic product and unemployment in various cultures.
Examining, interpreting and summarizing data
Economic Inequality in
The Hunger Games
Reading nonfiction text from an adult mainstream periodical entitled “Five Economic Lessons of
The Hunger Games
Cornell note-taking on written text
Participating in small group and whole class discussion.
Economic Inequality: The American Dream Under Siege
Reading core text including graphs and figures
Viewing data from the World Inequality database
Listing to a podcast from
Planet Money
Viewing sections of the feature film “The Divide”
Examining a
New York Times
interactive on generational mobility
Viewing the brief documentary “Raise the Wage”
Cornell note-taking on written text
Responding to text-based questions
Examining, interpreting and summarizing data
Connecting fiction and nonfiction
Connecting print and non-print media
Evaluating bias in print and non-print text
Participate in classroom discussion and debate
Examining Economic Inequality via cartoons
Viewing cartoons online.
Choosing a cartoon Interpreting the meaning of a political cartoon
Presenting a brief oral presentation to the class
What We Can Do
Researching and reading nonfiction text
Writing an argumentative essay
Choose a possible solution to economic inequality from our core text to focus on
Conduct independent research on the chosen text with the help of the teacher and library media specialist
Use a writing process to draft and write an argumentative essay
Create a digital presentation and present it to the class.