Cullinan, Bernice. "Imagery is of the Essence." Instructor [1990] 108, no. 8 (1999): 45+. Gale In Context: Biography (accessed April 19, 2023).
Erica. “The Best Nonfiction Poetry for Children.” What Do We Do All Day, May 16, 2023. A helpful list of nonfiction poetry in the form of picture books.
Gregory, Anne E., and Mary Ann Cahill. “Kindergartners Can Do It, Too! Comprehension Strategies for Early Readers.” The Reading Teacher 63, no. 6 (2010): 515–20.
Guerrier-Pierre, Ruth. “Poetry for Children Written by Black Authors.” The New York Public Library, February 17, 2021. A list of poetry by Black authors from a children’s librarian from the NYPL.
Heald, R. Musicality in the Language of Picture Books. Child Lit Educ 39, 227–235 (2008).
Koch, Kenneth, 1973. Rose, Where Did You Get That Red?: Teaching Great Poetry to Children. [1st ed.] New York: Random House.
Koch, Kenneth, Wishes, Lies and Dreams: Teaching Children to Write Poetry. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1970. The introduction is helpful in thinking about selecting and teaching adult poetry; the remainder of the book is more about writing poetry.
Koch, Kenneth, and Kate Farrell Talking to the Sun: An Illustrated Anthology of Poems for Young People. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1985. Various poems accompanied by works of art from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
“Poems for Kids Written by African American Poets.” Rainy Day Poems, March 25, 2023. Helpful list of poems by Black poets.
Salisbury, Martin, and Morag Styles Children's Picturebooks: The Art of Visual Storytelling. Second edition. London, United Kingdom: Laurence King Publishing, 2020. A history of the picture book, which is especially helpful in thinking about the picture book as an object.
Scarborough, Hollis. Scarborough’s Reading Rope. Really Great Reading. Accessed June 1, 2023. Graphic that helps explain reading development.
“Schomburg Center’s Black Liberation Reading List for Kids.” The New York Public Library. Accessed July 31, 2023. A helpful reading list from the Schomburg Center.
Styles, Morag. “The Case for Children's Poetry.” University of Cambridge. University of Cambridge, October 11, 2011.