Michael Conte, Jr.
The unit will use graphology as a “hook” to further enhance the teaching of narrative, descriptive and expository writing. The unit will guide the students in their effort to become better writers, while exposing them to graphology, or handwriting analysis.
I also include in the unit areas that I feel teachers should be aware of and hopefully will incorporate into all of their lesson plans—not only those that are concerned with writing. The areas that I speak about are the three learning modalities: auditory, visual and kinesthetic. Another area that I feel is of interest in this unit is the concept of hemisphericity (right and left brain functions) and implications that this may have in your teaching behaviors. Finally, I give suggestions on the use of the chalkboard that may help the students learn more easily.
The unit is intended for grade 7-8 students in an English Writing class or those students in the Talented and Gifted Program. The unit will run approximately 6-8 weeks and included are suggestions for thirty lessons.
(Recommended for Writing classes, grades 7-8; English classes, grades 7-8; and Talented and Gifted classes, grades 5-8)
Key Words
General Composition Writing Instruction Narrative