Gersten, Leon and Arthur Traiger.
Solutions To Your Writing
Problems. New York: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 1980.
An excellent book that will detail a writing program that can be used in school. I recommend it.
Macrorie, Ken.
Telling Writing
. Rochelle Park, N.J.: Hayden Publishers, 1984.
This book would be best used in the high schools. It does however, remain an excellent resource for all teachers who want to take the teaching of writing seriously.
Perlmutter, Jerome.
A Practical Guide to Effective Writing
. New York: Random House, 1965.
A good refresher book for teachers who are going to teach writing after being away from it for awhile.
Rico, Gabriele Lusser.
Writing the Natural Way
. Los Angeles: Tarcher, 1984.
A definite must for your library at school and home. This book gives the teacher many useful and practical ways of teaching writing in the schools. I would rate this book number one in the readings that I have done.
Vail, Priscilla L..
Clear and Lively Writing
. New York: Walker and Company, 1981.
This book gives the teacher a multitude of ideas for the teaching of writing. The activities suggested allow for a great amount of work to be done by the children. I recommend this book.
Werber, Philip, editor.
New Approaches to Writing: An Idea Book for Teachers
. Bantam Books, Inc., 1973.
A book that helps teach strategies and techniques to develop the students’ powers of observation, imagination and expression.