As my Home Economics students come in the door to the sewing and modeling rooms, they very often think they can leave the world of writing and expression behind. For them, Home Economics and English represent two separate worlds. Yet, due to the world of business, students must be aware of changes. These changes will be brought about in this unit. Thus the unit seeks to develop an awareness of how history versus color influences designers. The designers had to discover and develop their own techniques and ideas about clothing. With motivational skills and talents, the students will be inspired to develop journals, ads and news releases. And finally, writing and the correct use of verbal communication will open and improve the curriculum of home economics.
The areas of clothing and color are equally important. The color and texture of the skin are major considerations in the selection of becoming colors. A clear, healthy, glowing skin will give anyone a wider range of color choices, while a sallow, rough, or unhealthy appearance will greatly limit the number of becoming hues. The color of the hair also influences the choice and number of flattering colors.
Lastly, an important part of the fashion industry is fashion reporting: getting the news of the latest fashion trend to the public. Designers, manufacturers, and public relations firms should welcome the free publicity offered by the newspaper and magazine editors who inform readers of “What’s New” in fashion, and incidentally assist in promoting it.
(Recommended for General Home Economics classes, grades 6-8)
Key Words
Dress Fashion American Adolescence Contemporary