Margaret D. Andrews
Without water, we would have no future. We simply could not survive. Water is something we all take for granted as long as it tastes and looks good and there is enough of it. But it is a limited resource. It is imperative that we involve our students in their education concerning this precious resource and teach them methods of scientific inquiry and problem solving. We must teach this as if our lives depend upon it. They do!
Students in New Haven have the benefit of living on Long Island Sound. Long Island Sound is a viable and valuable habitat; it is home to hundreds of species of finfish, shellfish, birds, and mammals; it should be used as a classroom for New Haven’s students—their own place to learn about one of New England’s largest and most important natural resources. I have written this unit to help teachers find appropriate classroom activities and information to share with students in grades 3-8. The unit was written because I believe New Haven’s students should have a great understanding and respect for water. I have included lessons which are easy to implement with few materials. I have tried to include basic information in the text to help teachers who may not feel comfortable teaching science. The text of this unit which is intended to give general information is just a beginning. I have included a bibliography which includes resources and information appropriate for both teacher and student use. I have only begun to discuss the basics; you and your students can choose any topics and pursue further studies.
I don’t think students should have to be bogged down with all the details, but should have a basic understanding of the principles discussed. I have chosen areas which will hopefully pique young curiosity and encourage further study and consideration. There is a wealth of material available about water and Long Island Sound. My goal is to help students take maximum advantage of their resources and be comfortable and knowledgeable enough to make good decisions as they enter their adult lives.
(Recommended for Science, grades 3-8)
Ecology Environmental Science Water Long Island Sound