*Adler, David. 1983.
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Adler, Irving and Ruth.
Weather in Your Life
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Bauer, Helen.
Water. Riches or Ruin
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*Berger, Melvin. 1993.
All About Water.
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*Berger, Melvin. 1994.
Oil Spill
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Buehr, Walter.
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. Norton, 1967
*Caitlin, Stephen. 1990.
Wonders of Swamps and Marshes
. Troll Associates.
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Carlson, Carl Walter.
Water Fit to Use
. Day, 1966.
*Cleave, Andrew, Dr. S. Webster 1992.
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. Reader’s Digest. Pleasantville, N.Y.
*Dickenson, Jane. 1983.
Wonders of Water.
Troll Associates. Mahwah, New Jersey.
*Dorros, Arthur. 1993. Follow the Water from Brook to Ocean. Harper Collins, New York, N.Y.
*Edom, Helen. 1992.
Science With Water
. EDC Publishing. Tulsa, Oklahoma.
*Fine, Edith H. 1982.
Water Wizard
. The Learning Works, Inc. Santa Barbara, CA.
Gallant, Roy A.
Exploring the Weather.
Garden City, 1957.
Green, Ivah.
Water.- Our Most Valuable Natural Resource
. CowardMcCann, 1958.
*Hickman, Pamela. 1993.
. Kids Can Press Ltd. Toronto.
*Ingoglia, Gina. 1991.
Look Inside the Earth
. Grosset & Dunlap. New York
*Klein, Joyce. 1993.
The Environmental Challenge
. The Hartford Courant.
*Kohn, Bermice. 1970.
The Beachcomber’s Book
. Viking Press. New York.
*Locker, Thomas. 1984.
Where The River Begins
. Penguin Books USA Inc. New York, N.Y.
*Malfatti, Patrizia. 1993.
Look Inside the Ocean
. Grosset & Dunlap. New York.
Mayes, Susan. 1989.
What Makes It Rain?
EDC Publishing. Tulsa, Oklahoma.
McArdle, Dana, K. Conway, L. Norwitz. 1992.
Project Soundwise
. Schooner, Inc. New Haven, CT
*Michel, Francois. 1993.
. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books. New York.
*Moore, Jo Ellen, Joy Evans. 1986.
Habitats : Oceans and Ponds
. Evan-Moor.
*Podendorf, Illa. 1954.
The True Book of Pebbles and Shells
. Childrens Press. Chicago.
*Pope, Joyce. 1990.
. Troll Associates. Mahwah, New Jersey.
Riedman, Sarah R.
Water for People
. Abelard—Shuman, rev. ed. 1960.
Schneider, Herman.
Everyday Weather and How it Works
, rev. ed. McGraw—Hill, 1961
Seed, Deborah. 1992.
Water Science
. Addison-Wesley. New York. N.Y.
Smith, E. M., E. C. Mariani, A. R Petrillo.
Principal Fisheries of Long Island Sound
. CT Department of Environmental Protection, 1989.
Sounds Conservancy,
The. Inter tidal Flats: Their Value and Legal Status
. TSC Coastal Publication #2, Essex, CT 1990.
*Taylor, Barbara. 1993.
Maps and Mapping
. Kingfisher. New York.
*Taylor, Barbara. 1993.
Rivers and Oceans
. Kingfisher. New York.
*Taylor, Barbara. 1993.
Weather and Climate
. Kingfisher. New York.
*Taylor, Kim. 1992.
. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York.
Tedone, David (Ed.).
A History of Connecticut’s Coast
. Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection. Coastal Area Management Program, 1982.
Vendrell, Carme Sole. 1985.
The Four Elements of Water.
Barron’s. New York.
Wahle, Lisa. 1991.
Plants and Animals of Long Island Sound
. Connecticut Sea Grant College Program. Groton, CT
Williams, Jack. 1992.
The Weather Book
. Vintage Books. New York.
Winchester, James H.
Wonders of Water
. Putnam, 1963.
*Wood, John Norris, Mak Harrison. 1985.
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OCEANS. A. Knopf. New York.
Wood, Robert W. 1992.
Science for Kids
. 39 Easy Geography Activities. Tab Books. Blue Ridge Summit, PA.
Wright, Alexandra, M. Peck, 111. 1992.
At Home in the Tide Pool.
Charlesbridge. Watertown, MA.
*Books appropriate for student use.