The curriculum unit that I am writing has to do with the geology of Connecticut, including: plate tectonics, volcanism, glaciation, earthquakes, and mineral and fossil formation through time. Along with this, “life” in Connecticut through history will be included, and relationships between topics discussed.
This unit is intended for use in an 8th or 9th grade science classroom. It is assumed that the students will have already covered these topics in a global format. Students are fascinated with earthquake and volcanic events that happen all over the world. When these can be “brought home,” and shown to occur in Connecticut, earth science concepts become more relevant and interesting.
Included within this unit is a discussion of animals that have roamed Connecticut in the past, including dinosaurs, the most popular creatures that ever lived. Students still talk about the movie “Jurassic Park,” and when they find out about such creatures, their interest is piqued.
Also, children are fascinated by rocks and minerals. They usually end up with a collection. When rocks and fossils can be studied, tested and discussed in a classroom, students tend to learn and retain more information. In addition, when fossils such as dinosaur footprints, bones and fern imprints are held and looked at up close, they help to fuel a child’s imagination.
(Recommended for Earth Science or General Science, grades 8-9)