Canned Alaskan Earthquake. Call Earthquake Experience in Anchorage (907) 694-5926 or write to Dynmoco, P.O.Box 771971, Eagle River, Alas]ca 99577
Seismo-WatCh Newsletter. Advanced Geologic Exploration, P.O.Box 18012, Reno, Nevada 89511
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), P.O.Box 70274, Washington, D.C. 20424
* Through the above, you can also obtain an 800 number or internet address to get daily earthquake information to plot on a world map.
* Many great geology references can be gotten at the Department of Environmental’s Publications and Map Room located at 79 Elm Street in Hartford
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Branch of Distribution, P.O.Box 25286, Denver, Colorado 80225
A booklet titled,
Connecticut Rocks
, prepared by Pranoti Asher and Wayne Bugden. Department of Geology and Geophysics. University of Connecticut in Storrs.
Museums with great collections:
Peabody Museum in New Haven, CT
The Bruce Museum in Greenwich, CT
The Boston Museum of Science in
Boston, MA.
The American Museum of Natural History in New York City, N.Y.
Before taking a field trip to Old Mine Park in Trumbull, CT. you must obtain a free permit from the town, Also get a copy of
Teaching Trails
—a booklet about the park written by Brennan Mahoney and published by Learning Without Borders Publishing Company (North Salem, N.Y.)
***Join your local mineral club, they are a wealth of information.