I am a special education teacher at East Rock Global Magnet School. I teach in a fifth grade inclusion classroom. East Rock is diverse and we promote this in our teachings. Through collaboration I will integrate science, social studies, language, reading and music in this unit.
The diverse population of students will benefit form such an experience. Each festivity celebrated in the country of Brazil will be introduced during one marking period. Role playing and tactile hands-on activities will culminate each lesson. Cooperative groups will be responsible for each cultural event.
Through this unit the students will learn the importance of music in culture. We will investigate the history of music in Brazil and discover what the different sounds or types of music mean for each cultural event. With the assistance of our magnet school resource teacher, we will investigate a variety of experiments to incorporate the science of sound for a science fair project. We will also utilize our music teacher to make musical instruments and learn how to play them.
(Developed for all subjects, grade 5; recommended for Social Studies, Music, and Science, grades 4-5)