Brazilian Culture through Music
Judith Dixon
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Ang Eng Tie. Delighted Brazilian Cooking. Seattle: Ambrosia Publications 1993.
This book provides a variety of Brazilian style recipes.
Christmas in Brazil. World Book Publications, Chicago: world Book 1991
Details and pictures describe this special holiday.
Lewington, Anna. Rain Forest Amerindians: Threatened Cultures. Austin Texas: Raintree Steck Vaughn Publications 1993.
This book provides information on the Indians still living in the rain forest.
Liza, Papi. African Brazilian Folklore and Crafts. New York Rizzoli: International 1994.
Describes the crafts and folklore, their origin relating to Carnaval.
Nambiquara Tribe Hands Around the World Indian Cultures from Around the World: http//
This site provides information on the area, first contact made with tribe, population, language, economy, and artistic interest.
Slonimsky, Nicolas. Music of Latin America. Thomas Y. Cromwell Company, 1946.
The history and origin of the music in South America. Brazil has its own chapter. Book can be found in the Sterling Music Library Yale University.
Ticuna Tribe Hands Around the World Indian Cultures from Around the World:
Site gives information on the area, population, economics, language, and the arts.
Vianna, Hermano. The Mystery of Samba Popular Music and National Indentity in Brazil. North Carolina: North Carolina Press, 1999.
The history of Samba and how it became popular. Book can be found in Sterling Library, Yale University.
Wai Wai Tribe Hands Around the World Indian Cultures from Around the World:
Site provides information on the area, first contact made, population, language, economy, and artistic abilities.
Waimiri-Atroari Indians Hands Around the World Indian Cultures from Around the World:
Site provides information on the area, first contact made, population, language, economy, and artistic abilities.