In my unit I use strategies in which poetry and the art of puppetry can be integrated into a unit that will provide students with sample poems by Jack Prelutsky, plus writing tips, strategies, and challenges to help them create their own poetry. In other words, students will learn how to shape their ideas and words into creative, descriptive, and silly poems by using Prelutsky's poems as models for their writing. In addition, the poems will generate themes that the children will use for writing expository essays in class.
Willie Sunday, a classroom puppet, will encourage the children while reading Prelutsky's poetry to see themselves, their surroundings, community, and family in his writings. It is my intent for the children to capture these same feelings in their own writings.
The unit will include activities suitable for children in kindergarten through third grades with an emphasis on literacy and writing for the first grade child. Along with reading and the language arts, the lesson plans will cover curriculum areas such as social studies, science, drama, and art.
(Developed for Reading and Language Arts, grade 1; recommended for Reading and Language Arts, grade 1)