Stephanie J. Sheehan
As part of a year-long country study of Ghana, students will learn scientific thinking skills and concepts related to people’s lives in Ghana. The study will allow students to discover the real-life applications of the science curriculum as they compare and contrast the climate and foods of Northeast America and Ghana. The students will understand different states of matter and the effects of global wind cycles, as well. They will learn how these concepts relate to the climate, and therefore the nutritional resources of Ghana. The integration of science with social studies and language arts will also activate the various learning styles and academic strengths of the students.
This unit is designed for second grade at Davis Street Interdistrict Magnet School, where every class participates in a school-wide initiative of International Study by studying a particular country intensively throughout the year. There is a great need to provide interesting lessons that engage the attention of the students while they are in school. The lessons and content of this unit could easily be adapted to suit children in grades two through five. The unit could also be modified to teach the science of another country in a tropical location.
(Developed for Science and Social Studies, grade 2; recommended for Elementary School Science, grades 2-3)