Card catalog
The cards in the card catalog are arranged in alphabetical order. If you want a book by a certain author, look under the author’s last name. If you are looking for a specific title, look for the first word of the title unless the word is A, An, or The, in which ease the card is filed by the second word in the title. subject cards are filed alphabetically by the first word in the subject.
All books have author and title cards. Nonfiction books have subject cards as well.
Fiction books (stories made up by the author) are arranged alphabetically by the authors’ last names. Nonfiction books are arranged according to subject.
For practice in using the card catalog:
1. Give each student slips with the following topics; have him or her write down the author, title, and call number of one book about:
a) Suspension bridges
b) Baseball Hall of Fame
c) Astrology
d) Violins
e) Flags
f) United States History—Colonial Period
g) Telescopes
h) Dog—-Training
i) Blindness
j) Calendar
2. Give out slips with the following authors’ names on them; have students write the titles of all books in the library by each author:
a) Harriet Beecher Stowe
b) Pearl S. Buck
c) Helen Adams Keller
d) George Ellery Hale
e) Anne Morrow Lindbergh
For practice in using the encyclopedia:
Which volume of the encyclopedia would you use to look up:
1. Anne Morrow Lindbergh
2. Saint Anthony of Padua
3. Mme. Chiang Kai-shek
4. Giuseppe Antonio Guarnerius
5. E.. I. DuPont
For practice in using Who’s Who in America
1. Are the following persons listed in the most current issue?
2. When you have found out, write one interesting fact learned about each. If not listed, write not listed.
a) Paul Laurence Dunbar
b) George Ellery Hale
c) Frank Lloyd Wright
d) Nathan Hale
e) John Trumbull
f) John Augustus Roebling
g) Harold Grange
h) Henry Louis Gehrig
i) Anne Morrow Lindbergh
j) Helen Adams Keller
For practice in using the dictionary:
1. What entry word must I locate when the given word is not in its base form?
a) astronomical
b) legendary
c) culminating
d) lecturer
e) experimental
2. What are the guide words for these:
a) calendar
b) rotation
c) surgeon
d) revolution
e) horoscope
For practice in identification of reference books:
State briefly what types of information is to be found in:
a) The New Book of Knowledge
b) an atlas
c) Webster’s Biographical Dictionary
d) an almanac
e) Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature