Beecher, W. J. and Brod, F. (illustrator).
A Child’s Book of Birds
. New York: Platt and Munk 1968.
A handbook of birds with vivid pictures and short descriptions. Good for quick identification.
Blough, Glenn 0. and Bendick, Jeanne (illustrator).
Bird Watchers and Bird Feeders
. New York: McGraw Hill Book Co., Inc. 1963. How to make bird feeders, what birds like to eat, and recordkeeping activities are included. Easy to understand directions and illustrations.
Conklin, Gladys and Marokvia, Artur (illustrator).
If I Were a Bird
. USA: Holiday House 1965.
Easy to read short descriptions of various common birds. Also good tips on how to make a feather collection.
Earle, Olive L.
Birds and Their Nests
. New York: William Morrow and Co. 1952.
Various birds and how they make their nests.
Clear text good illustrations.
Earle, Olive L.
Squirrels in the Garden
. New York: William Morrow and Co. 1963.
The life of a squirrel from birth to adulthood is depicted. Easy to read text good illustrations.
Flanagan, Geraldine Lux and Morris, Sean.
Window into a Nest
. Boston:.
Houghton Mifflin Co. 1975.
for any bird study. A hidden camera placed in a bird nesting box provides vivid and unique pictures of every facet of bird life.
Gans, Roma and Emberly, Ed (illustrator).
Birds Eat and Eat and Eat
. New York: Thomas Crowell Co. 1963.
Feeding habits of birds are discussed. Very simple book for below grade level readers.
Gans, Roma and Mizumura, Kazue (illustrator).
Its Nesting Time
. New York: Thomas Crowell Co. 1964.
Bird nesting habits from building to caring for young are explored. Easy reading for below grade level readers.
Peterson, Roger Tory.
The Birds
. Time-Life Books. NY: 1968. Beautifully illustrated. Vivid pictures of every facet of bird life.
Roberts, Thomas Sadler.
Bird Portraits in Color
. U. of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis: 1934.
Succinct descriptions of bird habits with close-up pictures of each species. Good for help with identification.
Teal, Mildred and John.
Pigeons and People
. Boston: Little, Brown and Co. 1972.
Excellent study of pigeon life for the advanced reader.
Williamson, Margaret.
The First Book of Birds
. New York: Franklin Watts. 1951.
Excellent book with easy to understand text. Good descriptions and illustrations of egg development and hatching.
Zim, Herbert S. and Gabrielson, Ira N.
. New York: Golden Press Inc. 1949.
A handbook describing 129 North American birds.
Good for identification.
Zim, Herbert S. and Hoffmeister, Donald F.
. Racine, Wisconsin: Western Publishing Co. 1955.
Good handbook with excellent pictures, short descriptions and maps of regions where animal is most abundant.