Zelda L. Kravitz
1. What is matter?
2. How do we measure matter?
3. What units do we use to measure matter?
4. How did you measure matter to find out how much mass it had? What are units measured in?
5. How did you find out how much space a substance occupied? What is that space called?
6. Below is a puzzle. Find as many words related to what we have been studying. List the words. Words are shown in all directions.
(figure available in print form)
Units of Measurement
In this course we many times measure the materials we use. Therefore we use the metric system, the
accepted units of measurement, chiefly in our classes.
The metric system is very easy. All you have to remember is that it is based on units of ten (10), and when you use these units, they can be used to measure how much space (volume), mass and distance.
1. grams-measures mass (how closely particles are packed)
2. Iiters-volume
3. meters-distance
You will make your own meter ruler, or you can buy one. (See next sheet for details.)
To show you how good the metric system is, do the following and complete the chart:.
1. Measure the thickness of your hair in metric units.
1 hair (thickness)
1 fingernail
thickness of your eyeglasses
regular & king size cigarettes
thickness of a sheet of paper
your height
distance between your eyes
distance from outer edge to center of eyeglasses
length of thumb
thickness of paper clip
length of the room
thickness of the door
What is the problem in this experiment?
What is your conclusion?
To Determine the Problem.
This experiment may take 2 periods.
I. Take snail from Pail.
II. Place snail on desk.
III. What happens after every 5 minutes (for 20 minutes record what you see.)
IV. After 20 minutes touch snail with pencil.
A. What happened?
V. Place lighted match near to snail but not
on it
. Describe what happened.
(VI. Use format of ice-cube!)