Amaldi, Ginestra.
The Nature of Matter
. University of Chicago, 1966. Good background material.
A.A.E.A. Pharmacy.
Guide to Generic Medicines
. Modern Maturity, June-July, 1978, p. 39. Lists of medicines.
Armstrong, J.A., Slaughter, G.S. Marks, & Armstrong, P.W.,
Canadian Journal Physiol, Pharmacology
, May 1980, 58: 459-462. There is a rapid disappearance of nitroglycerine following incubation with human blood, and belief is that the metabolism occurs in other organs in addition to the liver, perhaps even in the red cells.
Barbuto, Joan, “Women to get Help on Math.” New Haven Register, Feb. 24, 1980.
Barnes, Porter, “Effects of Aging on the Distribution of Lutenizing Hormone.”
, June 1980, 0013-7227, p. 1980
Halden. “Behavioral Medicine, an Emergent Field,”
, July 25, 1980, p. 479. This field attempts to locate neurochemical mechanisms by which such states as emotional stress leads to disease. There is a chemical indicator of maternal deprivation which stunts physical and emotional development of babies. (ODC) Interesting.
“Health committee might attempt to curtail use of penicillin and tetracycline in feeds,”
, July 18, 1980, #3209, p. 481.
Bernstein, I., & Sigmundi, R.
, #209, July 18, 1980, p. 416. There is evidence that a tumor will induce changes in taste.
, May 23, 1980, vol. 208, p. 826-28. A very extensive report discussing the reliability of new compounds being developed to replace worn out ones in body. June, 1980, #401, p. 208, describes how genetic variation affects enzyme structure or changes protein metabolism.
Blaine, Tom & Hoffer, A.
A Mental Health Through Nutrition
. Citadel Press, N.Y., 1975. Author shows how diet can influence mental health, even though this is a highly debated subject; this is a new approach in biological psychiatry, perhaps a cure for depression.
Chapple, Mitchell.
Heart Songs
, Boston Mass., 1937, p. 140. “0 Dear What Can the Matter Be?” An old ballad which might introduce this unit.
Clark, Goaqwll, Shapiro, Huck, Morbach. “Drugs and Psychiatry.”
, Nov. 12, 1979, pp. 98-104. Excellent biochemical discussion of mental illness; reference to research at Yale. Pupils might find parts interesting, gives hope to mentally ill.
Crossland, Maurice.
The Science of Matter
. History and survey with selected readings. Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1971.
“Drug blocks biosyntheses cholesterol.”
Chemistry and Engineering
News, June 23, 1980, vol. 58, #25, p. 39. Maybe we’ll eliminate another cardiac factor!
Drug Therapy
. Journal of Prescribing Information, Vol. 10, #6, June, 1980, p. 11. Lead is found in milk from cans of formula, as the edge is soldered. p. 19, holistic medicine, stresses that it is the individuals duty to stay well, and not expect the M.D. to correct the damage. p. 45, the acid content of the eye is a healthy sign.
Eggins, B.
Chemical Structure and Reactivity
, Barnes & Noble, 1977.
Physics of Atoms and Molecules
. University of Chicago Press, 1972. Adult level only.
Fermi, E.
Elementary Particles
. Yale University Press, 1961. Not so elementary.
Gamow, George.
Matter, Earth and Sky
. Prentice-Hall, 1965. Good teacher reference even though not too modern.
Geier, A. & Lamm, N.
Mathematics and your Career
, Amsco School Publications, 1978. Many careers grouped in 15 major groups, with each chapter introducing topics and associated careers, good reference.
Gibson, John.
Nurses Materia Medica
. Blanchinell Scientific Pub., London, 1976. An aid to teachers, dealing with drugs, individual responses, and dangers. Compact.
Jackson, Kevin, Rudnick, N., Hyman, R.
Experience With Everyday Objects
. Prentice-Hall, N.J., 1978. Fun experiments for teacher and student, especially p. 120, mothball race, and p. 122, coloring liquids.
Kalsner, Stanley, Chai, Chi-Chung, “Inhibition by Dopamine of the effect of 3H Noradrenaline,”
Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacy
, Vol. 58, #5, pp. 504-511. Behavior of drugs which interact with the neuronal release system, a detailed report.
Kisch, Bruno.
Scales and Weights
. Yale University Press, July, 1966, 92nd printing. Excellent history of weighing. Photographs. Reference to Streeter collection of measuring and weighing devices on display in Yale Medical History Library.
Keller, J.J. & Associates.
Official Metric System
. Keller Assoc. Pub. Neenah, Wisconsin, 1975. A quick source of information on metric system and application utilizing charts, conversion factors, and definitions.
Krauskopf and Beiser.
The Physical Universe
. McGraw-Hill, 1960. Helpful, best for teacher, historical data.
Levine, Ruth R.
Pharmacology Drug Actions and Reactions
. Little Brown, 1973. Excellent source; historical, and exceedingly detailed. In depth discussion of chemicals and their effect on the body.
Lowery, L.F.
The Everyday Science Book
. Allyn & Bacon, 1978. Excellent sourcebook for teachers and students. Ideas for teaching elementary and middle school science; hundreds of experiments.
Margenau, Henry.
Ethics of Science
. Robert Kreiger Pub. Co., Huntington, New York, 1979. Excellent, provocative, detailed description of parallelism between ethics and science, and differences; science states a fact, ethics appeals to human nature (first time I knew an author who’s a neighbor).
Conradie, J.D. “Recent Developments of Blood Transfusion,”
South African Journal of Science
, April, 1976, pp. 149-150. Discussion of uses and parts of blood uncommonly known, for ex. antibodies for anti-tetanus injections, monitoring of Fe of blood donors, so they don’t become anemic. p. 154, Heat Intolerance:. Its Detection and Elimination in the mining industry; heat intolerance men have lower maximum oxygen intake than heat tolerant counterparts. Underweight men develop heat stroke on first exposure to heat, and failed to acclimate in normal way. Very helpful.
May, Albert. “Psychiatry-Is there really a method?” St. Raphael’s Hospital Magazine, Summer, 1978, p. 6. The state’s biggest development in psychiatry has been in drugs in the last twelve years.
Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology
, vol. 15, #5. “Decomposition of Cholesterol continued in human blood.”
New York Times
, “Evidence Builds Against Marijuana,” May 21, 1980, and “Lead Persists Threat to Young.”
New York Academy of Science
, May/June, 1980, p. 2. Article states there is a direct relationship between nitrites and cancer.
Polya, F.
How to Solve It
. Princeton Press, Princeton, N.J., 1973(2). How a teacher can challenge a student to solve problems. Helpful.
“Psychiatry’s Depression,”
, Vol. 113, #14, pp. 74-82. Excellent article, excellent diagrams, superior discussion of chemistry of brain; where dopamine is suspected as the culprit in disabling mentally depressed, and hope for more chemicals to prevent depression and improve behavior is expressed.
Rutheroford, Ernest.
A bibliography of his technical writings
. Office of History of Science and Technology, Univ. of Calif., 1979. Paperback.
Schrodinger, Ervin.
What Is Life? Mind and Matter
. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1951 (On display in Yale Med. school rotunda), a classic in its field, if you can find it (5 copies are missing from Yale Med. School).
Shapely, Harlow.
New Treasury of Science
. Harper & Rowe, 1965.
Sizer, Irwin. “Technology and the Quality of Life,”
, Feb., 1980, p. 21. Very good article dealing with effect of science on life.
Slater, John Clarke.
Quantum Theory of Matter
, McGraw-Hill, 1968. More detailed and advanced.
Lost in the 20th Century
, 1965. Excitement and fascination of science; many brief quotable phrases make for exciting reading.
Thompson, John D. Professor of Hospital Administration Yale Medical School. Many helpful suggestions.
Tobias, Sheila.
Overcoming Math Anxiety
. W. Norton Co., N.Y., 1978. Very good; this may help many.
Traub. “Flourishing like Weeds,” Barron’s, July 14, 1980, pp. 9, 10, 28, 30. Excellent social and economic analysis of the drug and paraphernalia business (drug paraphernalia shops are also known as “head shops”).
. Jan. 1980, Vol. 207, #4426, p. 28. Cigarette smoking associated with sleep difficulty.
Feb. 22, 1980, p. 859. Why aspirin works in the brain but not in the heart is unclear.
April 11, 1980, Vol. 208, #4440, p. 198. Mg. deficiency produces spasms of coronary artery.
June 6, 1980, Vol. 208, p. 1127. Calcium now helps control angina.
July 4, 1980, “Centennial Edition,” Vol. 207, #4452, entire edition is stuffed with excellent material from Feedstock in transition, so as the knowledge of chemistry in biology increases so the ability to design molecules for medicinal and agricultural uses develops. A copy worth having.
Trends in Neuro Science
. June, 1980. Biomedical press, Vol. 3, #6, p. 1. World Health organization found 1% of the population has schizophrenia, and is studying this all over the world to control, or learn how to control this, by studying populations and the different cultures.
p. 154, Malaria to pathologic problems because of inadequate oxygen supply at that time.
Yianilos, Theresa Spero, J. Educational Associates, 1976. This source book for teachers and some students is excellent in its study of poisonous plants, and lists of medical uses of plants.