This unit is designed to give the learner knowledge as well as improve problem solving skills. This unit can be taught in part or can be ongoing throughout the school year.
Learners will become familiar with problem solving through hands on materials and careers. This will allow students to relate to real life situations. The activities in this unit fosters quantitative thinking in the learner, which will lead the learner to develop interest, objectivity, attitudes and problem solving skills. It is our intent that these skills will grow with adequate use, that is by having certain thought patterns recur in a wide range of problem solving. The adequate use will enhance the required amount of application of a concept necessary to insure its’ future availability and in this way the learner will really become mathematically literate.
This unit will be taught to seventh and eighth middle school students. It can be taught to students on a high school level especially those interested in careers after high school.
This unit focuses on six careers through visitations to local businesses and one out of state trip. Speakers and on the job training will also be utilized as well as classroom activities. A pre and post test will be given to all students to determine their ability and progress in problem solving.
The middle and high school student is an entity in himself, with unpredictable reactions to problems and personal situations. The student should see that in problem solving the thought processes help to analyze the factors involved when something needs to be done as well as to organize the chosen factors in a problem in order to bring about a satisfactory outcome. The students are introduced to problems that are common. It is our hope that by solving some of the problems the students will acquire some of the skills and understandings that will be needed in the future. There are understandings to be mastered. There is insight to be gained. One of the purposes is to guide the students thinking to help make decisions. It is hoped that the learner will not only develop problem solving skills, but take a critical look at himself/herself in this ever changing and complex society of ours.