Brown, Lester R.,
By Bread Alone
, New York: Praeger Publications, 1974. An excellent resource in terms of world food supply and problems.
Connecticut Energy Adivsory Board,
Connecticut Energy Outlook, 1979
. Hartford: State of Connecticut, 1979. An overview of the energy picture in Connecticut with tables and energy statistics. Impact on different economic levels is described.
Ferrand, Trisha, et al., “New Jersey County Plans for Integrated Waste Management,”
, 40-42 (Jan.-Feb., 1981.) Resource to illustrate new approaches to solving waste product disposal.
Forrester, Jay W.,
World Dynamics
, Cambridge, Massachusetts: WrightAllen Press, Inc., 1971. Highly technical graphical illustrations emphasize complexities of energy relationships.
Fowler, John M., Project Director,
Energy in the Global Marketplace
, Washington: National Science Teachers’ Association, 1978. Good source for activities.
Miller, G. Tyler, Jr., Living in the Environment, Sec. Ed., Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1979. Excellent tables, well documented, environmentally oriented overview of energy picture.
___________________”More Woes on the Oil Front”,
, Pp. 70-71, (October 29, 1979). Update in history of energy crisis.
Morrison, Thomas F., et al.,
Human Physiology
, Holt Rinehart and Winston, Inc., New York: 1976. Accepted secondary source for physiology, chapters on cells and foods are useful.
Nash, Hugh, (ed.),
Progress As If Survival Mattered
, San Francisco: Friends of the Earth, 1977. Good cartoons, quotes from famous personages.
Something Special for Teachers
, Houston: Schoolhouse Energy Teaching Program, Tenneco, Inc., 1981. Some good lesson plans developed from energy company and teacher resources.
___. ”Superbrain’s Superproblem,”
, Pp. 58-67, (April 4, 1977). Historically significant article in terms of U.S. energy policy, development and politics’ role in the energy crisis.
Turk, Jonathan,
Introduction to Environmental Studies
, Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 19&0. Good environmental resource to serve as common reference for teacher and high reading level students.
Tuve, George L.,
Energy, Environment, Populations and Food,
New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1976. 40 page appendix of excellent statistical tables on resources and their use for analysis and comparisons.