Broadly interpreted, the terms “literature” and “society” can cover almost every conceivable subject. It is therefore not surprising that the topics of the unit projects produced by the Fellows in this seminar show a wide range of interest, from Latin American geography and history to popular festivals to liberation theology to Puerto Rican folklore and music. As a result, much of the information in this section can be useful to teachers of several disciplines and levels. It is hoped, for example, that the unit on political involvement of the New Haven Puerto Rican community can serve the interests of teachers in both the social sciences and bilingual education. Similarly, the unit on feminist criticism, although here limited to Latin American poets, can inform literary interpretation generally as well as discussions on film, theater, or any other area where sexist stereotypes are likely to be observed.
As seminar leader, I want to commend the Fellows for their diligence and imagination in developing the units. We have all learned a great deal from each other, and welcome the opportunity to share our work with other teachers in the community.
Nicolás Shumway