Angell, Judie.
A Word From Our Sponsor or My Friend Alfred
. Scarsdale: Bradbury Press, 1979. Humorous fictional story about a twelve year old boy who tries to protect consumers from a dangerous drinking mug and discovers he must challenge his father’s advertising agency.
Beery, Mary.
Young Teens and Money
. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1971. Humorous, common sense approach to money management for teens. Written in question and answer format with excellent tips for earning money, suggestions for saving it, and hints on how to make a dollar stretch.
Crown, Paul.
Legal Protection for the Consumer
. Dobbs Ferry: Oceana Publications, Inc., 1963. Good description of the types of agencies and statutes that exist to protect the consumer.
Dowd, Merle E.
How to Get More for Your Money in Running Your
West Nyack: Parker Publishing Company, Inc., 1968. Contains many ideas for saving money on housing expenses, very basic and informative.
Fargis, Paul.
The Consumer’s Handbook.
New York: Hawthorn Books, Inc., 1967. Simply and concisely written manual, complete with charts, tables, and drawings. Many facts and practical suggestions to help the consumer spend more wisely.
George, Dick.
The New Consumer Surviva
Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1978. Offers practical money saving advice on a wide range of consumer items and services.
Leinwand, Gerald.
The Consumer
. New York: Washington Square Press, 1970. A short text written especially for urban teenagers to alert them to fraudulent marketing practices and seductive selling gimmicks.
McClellan, Grant S. ed.
The Consuming Public
. New York: The H. W. Wilson Company, 1968 . Surveys the activities of the government at all levels dealing with consumer problems and complaints and the reactions of the business community. Difficult reading.
McGough, Elizabeth.
The Teen-Age Consumer’s Guide, Dollars
and Sense
. New York: William Morrow and Company, 1975. Sensible advise, highly readable, wide range of information, an entire chapter devoted to “buying wheels”, ie. cars, motorcycles, bicycles.
Winston, Stephanie.
Getting Organized
. New York: Warner Books, 1978. Tells how to make the most of not only money but also time. Good exercise in planning.