The Baby Boom
Magazine, p. 52. February 22, 1982, Vol. 119 #8.
Benoit, Anthony. “The Student’s Guide to Caffeine,”
Yale Scientific
, Fall 1981, Vol. 56, #1, pp. 9-13.
Physiological effect of caffeine on intracellular agents (cAMP), Ca ions, cell metabolism and other bio-chemical effects on cells such as inhibiting DNA repair. Very good for students and teachers.
Can Genes Jump Between Eukaryotic Species.
, July, 1982, Vol. 217, pp. 42-43.
Biologists are beginning to take seriously the idea that genes can jump across the specie barrier in higher organisms.
Color Blindness
Science World
, March 5, 1982, Vol. 38, #3, p. 4.
Color illustrated.
Careers in Medical Genetics
American Biology Teacher
, April, 1978, Vol. #40, #4.
Coniff, Richard.
Super Gene
Science Digest
, March, 1982, p. 64.
A complicated DNA cluster.
Day, Mary Carol.
Thinking at Piaget’s Stage of Formal Operations
Educational Leadership
, Vol. 39 #1, October 1981, p. 44.
Father of New Science
Science Digest
, Vol. #9 and #5, May, 1982, p. 84.
About Edward O. Wilson.
Gribbin, John.
1% Advantage Human vs. Gorilla
Science Digest
, August 1982, Vol. 90, #8, pp. 73-77.
Fascinating study showing that humans are only 1% removed above apes in their DNA composition. Anthropological study (teachers and advanced students).
Hales, Dianne.
The Lethal Legacy
Science Digest
, August, 1982, Vol. 90, #8, pp. 28-.
Genetic errors which produce generations of flawed individuals, and attempts to detect them by screening and genetic counseling. 2500 diseases have been traced to DNA flaws. Very good for teacher and pupil.
Women’s Day
How Much Does Age Affect Fertility
, August 10, 1981, p. 61.
Discussion by four experts of factors affecting fertility and the reasons for not feeling pressured to have an early pregnancy. The effect of marijuana on lowered sperm count is noted.
Double Standard Genetics
Science Digest
. July, 1982, Vol. 90 #7, p. 61.
Sociobiology. Sexual standards. Very special section—a new view of human nature.
Kehrer, Daniel.
Genes for Profit
Science Digest
, Vol. #90, #5, May, 1982, p. 12.
Krim, Mathilde.
After the Gene—Interferon
Science Quest
. September, 1980, Vol. 53, #7, p. 21.
The first viewed DNA.
Kusinitz, Marc.
Sun, Skin, Cancer
Science World
, May 14, 1982, p. 6.
Effect of sun on skin cells.
Mahadeva, Madhu, Randerson, Sherman.
Mutation Mumbo Jumbo
, March 1982, p. 35.
The Multi-Billion Dollar Tool Kit
Science Quest
, July-August, 1981, p. 8.
The bioengineers have developed any number of ways to reach inside cells, alter their functions, and make valuable products.
American Biology Teacher
, May, 1981, Vol. 44, #5, p. 311.
Simple chromosome models.
O’Donnell, Thomas.
Sit It Out or Sell Out
Forbes Magazine
, March 1, 1982, p. 62.
Story of man made DNA could be patented.
Slow Down at the Herpes Factory
Science Digest
. August, 1982, Vol. #8, pp. 89.
Genital herpes invades normal cells affecting DNA and producing 20,000 virus particles which a drug may prevent from forming.
Testa, Joseph, Smith, Dwight.
Human Chromosome Analysis
Journal of Science Education
, Fall, 1975, Vol. 13, #1, p. 12.
Using fluorochromes (fluorescent dyes)revealed human chromosomes and show bands.
Spotting the Cancer
, May 3, 1982, p. 84.
Altered forms of normal cells.