Sondra A. White
In most cases it would be a rare finding if any student could clearly define what is architecture. Architecture relates to the space around you, in a community, that will be filled with buildings designed by combining art, science and mathematical skills. These skills combined are called the aesthetic elements. When properly presented to the students, the basic understanding of the art in architecture will be developed. There are many architectural dimensions that will not be included in this unit: function, engineering, economics, labor factors, and so forth.
In the art class, projects that are made have visual beauty that is developed by successfully combining the use of line, shape, color, light and space. The student will transfer their thoughts into sketches that will clearly demonstrate pattern, rhythm, unity and contrast, just as the Architect will do when designing a building. Buildings are created for their beauty as well as being functional.
The following objectives will be developed in this unit:
1. Students will be able to define many of the aesthetic elements of Architecture.
2. Students will become aware of various architectural styles.
3. Students will be able to recognize the different architectural styles in their community.
4. Students will be able to successfully reproduce basic forms in the facade of a building.
5 Students will increase their knowledge of architectural styles and choose a favorite style.
6. Students will exhibit a feeling of balance in the drawings of a building.
7. Students will demonstrate the process of printmaking from their string relief.
8. Students will be able to demonstrate their ability to combine line, shape, color, light and space in their projects.
9. Students will be able to construct a free standing model of a building by the repetition of shape at a smaller scale.
This unit is designed for the use of average students at the eighth grade level. Most of the students would like the opportunity to construct a model of a building, whether it is of Roman, Greek, Gothic or modern in style. Using their mathematical ability to measure and their art knowledge the students will enjoy creating a small community.
The first step that the students will take is to gain a basic written knowledge of architecture. They will be able to recognize characteristics that represent the styles. This will be done by a reinforcement of knowledge using transparencies shown in class. An open discussion of the pictures will usually get the students to respond with their feelings about a building. Since the pictures are of familiar buildings in their own community, the students will be able to relate to the different visual architectural styles more easily.
Once the students can easily recognize the different styles they will have the opportunity to duplicate the faced! of one of the buildings shown from the transparencies. Tracing the projected image from the transparency allows the student to draw a better proportioned drawing and the faced. “will look like the building”.
The third step is to try to duplicate their projected image drawing onto a piece of oak tag. By applying yarn or string to their lines, the image is built up for printing. Their ability to apply their knowledge of symmetrical and asymmetrical balance will be displayed in this project. Color will be applied with assorted colored inks and a monochromatic color print can be developed to give a three dimensional effect.
The final project will be a duplication of a building by creating a small model, The students will have to measure accurately to duplicate size on a smaller scale. This project will be a challenge for the students. The guidance from the teacher will build the students’ self confidence in completing the proportioned building,
In the sequence of projects, starting from recognition of styles to the end project of the completed building, the student will have gained the basic knowledge listed in the objectives. Every time the student walks in their community, the reinforcement will derive from recognition of the building styles around them. This recognition will support all they have learned regarding architectural aesthetics.