Bullfinch, Thomas,
The Age of Fable,
The New American Library, New York 1962, A somewhat outdated but interesting source on mythology. This book is to be read with caution.
Carpenter, Thomas H., Gula, Robert J.,
Mythology, Greek and Roman,
The New American Library, New York, 1962. This is a very readable and enjoyable source on mythology. It includes a summary of many of the transformations found in Ovid’s Metamorphoses,
Fowler, W. Warde,
Roman Festivals,
Macmillan and Co. Ltd., New York, 1954. Based on Ovid’s
this book offers many interesting theories on the origins of the names of the months, It is a very well researched presentation,
Grant, Michael,
Myths of the Greeks and Romans,
The New American Library, New York, 1962, A collection of the outstanding Greek and Roman literary works. The works are summarized and discussed in depth.
Hamilton, Edith,
The New American Library, New York, 1954. As in Bullfinch’s The Age of Fables this book presents myths in story form. It is wonderful reading material.
Innes, Mary M.,
The Metamorphoses of Ovid,
Penguin Books, Middlesex, England, 1955. This translation of the Metamorphoses makes it easy to read and to understand these fascinating tales of gods and mortals.
Johnson, Otto T., Editor,
Information Please, Almanac 1983,
A & W Publishers, Inc., New York, 1982. The section on the calendar and its changes proved useful in explaining the present calendar used today.
Mills Gayley, Charles,
The Classical Myths,
Blaisdell Publishing Company, 1893. This book may have been used as a text in earlier times, It is very thorough in providing details, illustrations, and exercises dealing with mythology.
Perowne, Stewart,
Roman Mythology,
The Hamlyn Publishing Group, Ltd., London, 1969. A beautifully illustrated book. It is a very useful and interesting source on Roman mythology.
Rose, H,J.,
A Handbook of Creek Mythology,
E.P, Dutton, New York, 1959. This handbook is an authoritative guide in the field of mythology, and an indispensable reference source.
Seyffert, Oskar,
Dictionary of Classical Antiquities,
Meridian Books, Inc., New York, 1956. A handy alphabetical guide of mythological terminology.
Zimmerman, J.E.,
Dictionary of Classical Mythology,
Harper & Row, 1964: A dictionary of terms—mythological, historical, and biographical. Very, very useful and well written.