Joseph A. Montagna
This unit should present a real challenge to eighth grade students. The material contained in it requires a student’s willingness to actively participate in the lessons. It is the student who must make them meaningful. Many of the skills required they already have. They can read, and they can discuss. The unit seeks to sharpen these skills and enrich their learning through literature and history.
The two major objectives of the literature portion are:
to examine and learn about short story elements,
to reinforce students’ understanding of the topic of imperialism through the use of
The Man Who Would Be King
The major objectives of the history portion are:
to learn about imperialism, in general,
to learn about British Imperialism in India,
to learn about the growth of the nationalist movement in India.
The unit is organized in the following manner:
Literature narrative
Kipling, the man
The Work,
The Man Who Would Be King
History narrative
“The Growth of Indian Nationalism” This narrative covers the period 1857-1921. It touches upon the major topics to be covered. To be sure, the period of time prior to 1857 is an interesting period in India’s history, as is the period from 1921 to the present. Some background work by the teacher is recommended.
Plan for teaching
I hope that the material contained in these pages is helpful to the teacher and the students. The teacher should refer to the bibliography for suggested readings that would provide him/her with the details not covered in the narrative. Also included in the bibliography are a few titles that students may enjoy reading.