Asimov, Isaac.
Words on the Map.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin
Detailed information about over 1500 place names.
ben-Jochannan, Yosef; Hugh Brooks and Kempton Webb.
The Land, The People, The Culture
. New York: W.H. Sadlier, Inc., 1971.
A region by region coverage of the continent. Excellent end of unit suggestions.
Bowyer, Carol; Roma Trundle and Annabel Warrender.
The Children’s Book of Peoples and Their Countries
. London: Usborne Publishing, 1979.
Attractive and readable: helpful in getting background for class projects including clothing types.
Carter, Marcia.
A Cast of Thousands: Surviving The Junior
High Play
. New York: Scholastic, 1981.
Concise, informative and inexpensive. Sufficient for geography teacher’s use.
Cole, Ann; Carolyn Haas, Elizabeth Heller and Betty Weinberger.
Children Are Children Are Children
. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1978.
An activity approach to exploring Brazil, France, Iran, Japan, Nigeria and the U.S.S.R.
Courlander, Harold.
Ride with the Sun
. New York: McGraw Hill Co., 1955.
An anthology of stories from the world over.
Cox, F. Kenneth; Miriam Greenberg and Stanley Seaberg.
A World History
. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Co., 1981.
Focus is on showing that individuals and groups have shaped their heritage.
Kamerman, Sylvia E., ed.
Dramatized Folk Tales of the World
. Boston: Plays, Inc., 1971.
A collection of fifty one-act adaptations from many lands.
Latour, Lawrence.
Inquiry Experiences in Geography
. Ginn and Co., 1973.
The approach is on the student using investigative abilities and developing own conclusions.
Ludlow, Hope T.
The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.
New York
Scholastic, 1973.
A factual description told through in part by young people of the countries.
Peyton, Jeffrey and Barbara Koenig.
Puppetry: A Tool for
. New Haven: Bojabi Treehouse, 1973.
A concise guide telling How-to construct puppets and giving examples of their use.
Way, Brian.
Development Through Drama
. Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey: Humanities Press, 1967.
A wise person has written this book about using techniques of drama in a common sense manner in a classroom day-to-day.