Frances F. Conte
Medical Terms Associated with Eating Disorders
Anorexia Nervosa:
Literally, not eating because of nervous causes; a strong and persistent obsession with achieving thinness through self starvation.
: Excessive, morbid hunger and fear of fatness leading to gorging(bingeing)/purging compulsion.
: Extreme emaciation due to a serious disease as in tuberculosis, carcinoma, syphillis, and anorexia nervosa.
Electrolyte imbalance
: Imbalance of fluids and minerals in extracellular-intracellular spaces, often leading to renal, central nervous system, and cardiovascular disturbances.
No menstrual period.
: Supplemental nutrition, usually by way of intravenous feedings, for profound starvation.
Hypokalemic syndrome
: Low serum potassium producing cardiac and skeletal muscle fatigue; cardiac rhythm irregularities and heart arrest can occur.
Lanugo hair:
Downy growth of hair often seen on the face, back and extremities of young women with anorexia nervosa.