Frances F. Conte
Hudlow, Emily Ellison,
Alabaster Chambers
. New York: St. Martin’s Press, Inc., 1979. Fictionalized account of a young, married woman’s struggle with anorexia and the therapy which helps her to discover herself. A good account of the progress of this syndrome in a readable story.
Levenkron, Steven,
The Best Little Girl in the World.
Chicago: Contemporary Books, Inc., 1978. A novelized case study of a 15 year old anorectic describing the behaviors, thoughts, feelings and circumstances with which anorectics and their families contend. This book was adapted for television and may be familiar to students.
MacLeod, Sheila,
The Art of Starvation
. New York: Schocken Books 1981. An outstanding personal account of the author’s early confrontation with anorexia at the age of 14 and her 18 month ordeal with self-starvation. It is also an informative essay on current research and literature on anorexia.
Myers, Irma.
Why You Feel Down—
What You
Do About It.
New York: Scribners, 1982. A straight talk, self help book for teenagers on how to cope with feelings of depression. Pages 62-70 cover the topic of “Changing Bodies.”
O’Neill, Cherry Boone,
Starving For Attention.
New York: “I was a celebrity’s daughter. I thought I had to be perfect. And I nearly killed myself trying.” A quote from Cherry’s revealing account of her 10 year ordeal with anorexia. Must reading for everyone affected by our culture’s obsession with thinness.
Orbach, Susie,
Fat Is a Feminist Issue
. New York: Paddington Press, Ltd., 1977. A self-help book for compulsive eaters and those preoccupied with thoughts of food. I strongly recommend the book. Pages 161-175 deal with self starvation which Ms. Orbach describes as “the other side of the coin of compulsive eating.”
Boskind-White, Marlene,
the binge-purge cycle
. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1983. An excellent book on the binge/purge syndrome by Marlene Boskind White and her husband, William White of Cornell University. Presents their therapeutic approach to breaking the binge/purge cycle and offers specific strategies for handling stressful life situations.
Bruch, Hilde,
The Golden Cage
. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1978. Dr. Bruch, a renowned psychiatrist and leading authority on anorexia, details from her own case studies the causes, effects and possible treatment of this disorder. Especially useful for teachers and counselors of young teenagers.
Cauwels, Janice M.
Bulimia: the binge-purge compulsion.
New York: Doubleday & Co., Inc., 1983. A definitive book on bulimia including possible causes, relationship to social and family pressures and their effect on the body. An excellent source of information for getting help for those afflicted.
Garfinkel, Paul,
Anorexia Nervosa
A Multidimensional Perspective
. New York: Brunner/Mazel Publishers, 1982. A clinically oriented, scientific reference on the syndrome of anorexia nervosa which addresses the complexities of the causes and treatment.
Landau, Elaine,
Why Are They Starving Themselves?
New York: Julian Messner, 1983. An overview of bulimia and anorexia.
Levenkron, Steven,
Treating and Overcoming Anorexia Nervosa
. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1982. The author presents case studies and describes the effectiveness of his Nurturant-Authoritative Therapy in treating disordered eating patients. A comprehensive guide for mental health practitioners, but a useful reference for educators.
Minuchin, Salvador,
Psychosomatic Families
. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1978. A presentation of the Family Systems Theory and Practice in the treatment of anorexia. A clinical model of intervention with four families is offered. Especially useful in understanding family interaction, conflict, enmeshment and control.