In my situation, it was very difficult to obtain the books that I would want my students to read. In fact, due to the reading levels that I normally encounter in the Learning Center, I would rely heavily on dittos and hand-outs. Also, simplified versions of both
My Fair Lady
can be adapted by the teacher. However, these books below are an interesting spring-board for getting into the unit.
1. A Book of Myths: Selections from Bulfinch’s Age of Fable (MacMillan Publishing Co., New York) c.1942
Beautiful illustrations, simple clarity of mythological stories.
2. Coolidge, Olivia.
Greek Myths
: Boston, c. 1949 Houghton-Mifflin Co.
This book is for 7th and 8th grade levels. It contains Trickery of Hermes, Phaethon and Apollo, Pygmalion and Galatea, Atlanta and Pandora etc. Since it gives a very simplified story about the sculptor Pygmalion it is essential for this Unit. It also has twelve full page illustrations.
The Golden Treasury of: Myths and Legends
, adapted by Anne T. White Golden Press, New York, c.1959
One of the best selections of myths and legends to have. A very good book for children to kindle an interest in the subject.