This is another improvisational activity that can be used as a warm up or as a classroom lesson. You may want to take the entire period to do this. The teacher can use the entire group for this.
1. One player starts the game
2. The player communicates Where he is and Who he is.
3. What happens to him should be around a disaster, accident, grief or a problem of some kind etc.
Other players enter the scene as a variety of characters when needed by the principle player. They set up relationships with Where and Who, and play out the scene. Example—Where: street corner. Who—elderly man. What—car hits man as he crosses the street. The principle player here is the old man who enters the street and is hit by the oncoming vehicle. Other players enter as the driver of the car, cops, passersby, onlookers, ambulance drivers, and doctor etc. Dialogue is spontaneous and should grow out of the incident.
These and other games are adapted from
Improvisation for the Theatre
by Viola Spolin.