Bloom, Leonard,
The Social Psychology of Race Relations
. London George Allen and Unwin Ltd., Ruskin House Museum Street, Great Britain.
Focus on the Black Slave Culture impact on the American race development. Excellent book to use with this unit’s activities.
Baker, Donald G.,
Race, Ethnicity and Power: A Comparative Study
. Routledge & Kegan Paul, Boston, Massachusetts.
Focus on the white power and racial development as compared with that of Blacks. Special emphasis is given to the political structure.
Cunard, Nancy, N
egro Anthology—1931-1933.
Negro University Press, New York, 1969.
This book is composed of seven parts. Each part must be studied carefully, hence each part carries a world of conflicting issues, all dealing with the American Blacks as they move toward the Equal Rights movement. An excellent book to be used with this unit’s quest activities.
David, Brion Davis,
Slavery and Human Progress
. Oxford University Press, New York, 1984.
This book gives justice to the American Black Slave Culture and its impact on American Literature. Highly recommended to be used with this unit’s activities.
Genovese, Eugene D.,
From Rebellion to Revolution: Afro-American Slave Revolts in the Making of the Modern World
. Louisiana State University Press, 1979.
This book focuses on conflicting issues about the American Black Slave’s search for civil rights and their struggle for survival in the white world. Excellent book to be used with this unit’s activities.
Genovese, Eugene D.,
The Slave Economics: Historical and Theoretical Perspectives
. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.
An excellent account of the American Black slaves’ struggle for economic development. Good book to be used with this unit’s activities.
Gibson, Donald B.,
Five Black Writers: Essays on: Wright, Ellison, Baldwin, Hughes, and Leroi Jones
. Dodd, Mead & Company, New York, 1970.
Gratus, Jack,
The Great White Lie: Slavery Emancipation, and Changing Racial Attitudes.
Monthly Review Press, New York, 1973.
Focus on the white masters’ power over their Black slaves. Excellent book to be used with this unit’s activities.
Herskovits, Melville J.,
The Myth of the Negro Past.
Beacon Press, Boston, Massachusetts, Edition No 7, 1969.
A good account of the Black slave historical development in the American Continent. Excellent book to be used with this unit’s quest activities.
Jackson, Richard L.,
The Black Image in Latin American Literature
. The University of Mexico Press, 1976.
This book focuses on the historical development of the African Black Slave Culture on the American continent. Excellent book to be used with this unit’s activities.
Jackson, Richard L.,
Black Writers in Latin America
. The University of New Mexico Press, 1979.
In this book the author presents narrative studies about the work of famous American writers of Black literature. Excellent book to be used with this unit’s quest activities.
Klein, Herbert S.,
Slavery in the Americas: A Comparative Study of Virginia and Cuba
. The University of Chicago Press, 1967.
An excellent account of the American slavery development in both U.S.A. Virginia and Cuba. Excellent book to be used with this unit’s quest activities.
Klein, Herbert S.,
African Slavery in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Oxford University Press, 1986.
An excellent book to be used with this unit’s activities.
Black Folk: Then and Now
. Kraus-Thomson Organization Limited, Milwood, New York.
A compilation of issues all dealing with transitional events that took place in past generations and presented with colorful presentations of what is happening now. Main focuses are given to the historical development and changes of the Black race, culture and literature.
Mannix, Danniel P. and Malcolm Cowley,
Black Cargoes: A History of the Atlantic Slave Trade.
Viking Press, New York, 1962.
This book presents a historical narrative of the slave trade and its development. Highly recommended to be used with this unit’s activities.
Mellafe, Rolando,
Negro Slavery in Latin America
. English translation by J.W.S. Judge. University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, 1975.
The author of this book deals with the use of slaves, not only from Africa, but Chinese as well, as plantation laborers during the economic development of the Latin American Colonies. An excellent book to be used with this unit’s activities.
Rout, Leslie B., Jr.,
The African Experience in Spanish America. 1502 to the Present Day
. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1976.
Statistics on slavery are shown in this book to assist in making comparatives and inference of the Atlantic slave trade market.
Price, Richard, Editor,
Maroon Societies: Rebel Sacred Communities in the Americas
. Anchor Press/Doubleday, Garden City, New York.
In this book the author deals with the Black slaves’ revolt against their white masters, and their continued struggle for freedom. An excellent book to be used with this unit’s activities.
Ransford, Oliver.
The Slave Trade: The Story of Transatlantic Slavery
. Cox and Wyman, Ltd., Great Britain, 1971.
The author of this book deals with the many conflicts which developed during the slave trade. Good book to be used with this unit’s quest activities (see Appendix for added illustrations).
Rubin, Vera and Tuden, Arthur, Editors,
Comparative Perspectives on Slavery in New York Plantation Societies
. The New York Academy of Science.
In this book the author deals with the formation of Black slave communities, their life’s conflicts both social and economical, in the New World Plantations. An excellent book to be used with this unit’s activities.
Tyson, George F. Jr., ed.,
Toussaint L’Ouverture
. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1973.
This book compiles a series of events about a great general, who was a leader of the slave revolution in Haiti. A major focus is given to the slave revolt issues. Excellent book, highly recommended for use when teaching this unit.