Kenneth B. Hilliard
Students will be given an opportunity to complete a written essay on one of the composers of the Harlem Renaissance. Students will be given a list of composers from this era. They will then be given an opportunity to research that composer from textbooks, library books, and/or encyclopedias.
Schools that have libraries in their building should utilize them. As a class, students should be given an opportunity to go to the library at least once a week. The project should also be given a time limit of not more than five weeks thereby allowing time for pre and post comments during the ten week marking period.
The format of the essay should be;
a. Title Page
b. Introduction
c. Body
d. Conclusion
The Title Page
should include the composers name, as well as the students name, and any other pertinent information.
The Introduction
should be at least 1/2 page in length and should state the purpose of the essay.
The Body
should be at least three pages but not more than eight pages in length, written in the students own words. Creative writing is not only a system wide objective, but also a vehicle of self expression for the student. The body is the real substance of the essay.
The Conclusion
should also be at least 1/2 page in length and should first address the issues raised in the introduction as well as give the student a chance to formulate an opinion.
As a final activity essays may be read out loud by either the student or the instructor. By doing this a grade may also be given for oral presentation.
Lesson Plan II
Have the students collect the “Arts” section of the Sunday New Haven Register. Students should collect as many newspapers as possible. Students should also bring in maps of the City of New Haven. (These maps are usually found in the parent/ student orientation packages).
Activity I
Students should identify places in New Haven where live music is performed.
Examples: The Shubert, The Palace, Woosley Hall, New Haven Coliseum, etc . . . students should be able to identify where these places are located on a map and if possible arrange a tour of these facilities. (Woosley Hall and The Shubert offer tours and open house days throughout the year or call to arrange a personal tour.
Activity II
At least once a week as a class activity, have students look in the newspaper to list the names of any musical groups appearing in the greater New Haven area. With it’s close proximity to New Haven and local drawing power the Hartford Civic Center can also be included.
Have the students list the names and styles of music that each group performs that visits these concert halls and if possible, have examples available for students to listen to.
These logs should be handed in at the end of the marking period and graded.