Kenneth B. Hilliard
A comparison in musical styles of a composer of the Harlem Renaissance and a Rap composer of today can be made.
Approximately a week before this activity is scheduled prepare a tape with at least two artist, one Jazz artist (Ex. Ellington), and one Rap artist (Ex. L.L. Coo1 J). If you don’t own any Rap Recordings try taping them from a local radio station, (WNHC 1340 AM), from a local television station (Yo MTV Raps, MTV or Video Soul, Bet), or have a student bring in an example for use in class. Local libraries may also be a resource for both types of music.
Comparisons should be made in the following areas;
a. vocal style
b. lyrics
c. rhyming scheme
d. instrumentation
e. form (ABA etc . . .)
f. meaning of the title
g. any other area chosen by the instructor
This comparison can be made between several records from the two eras. Be sure to also discuss how the music of the time influenced other disciplines such as the style of dress, attitudes toward the country, and other social or political issues.
Have the students keep a log of these activities to be handed in at the end of this lesson.