Carolyn C. Smith
When the settlers first came to America from Europe it was an exciting as well as devastating experience. Their main purposes were to explore the unknown, start a new life and get away from the strict rules and regulations which had been established in their old land that they had been accustomed to for so long. Even after they had arrived in Massachusetts, there was still much unrest. Disagreements remained as far as the leadership and control of the community were concerned. Small groups began to adventure further and further from the premature communities which had been set up in order to make life much more comfortable and desirable.
It was the year of 1638 when a small group settled in the area we now know as New Haven, Connecticut. Under the leadership of Rev. John Davenport and Theophilus Eaton, this colony began to grow with prosperity. During that time in the history of New Haven, life and prosperity were centered around the shores of Long Island and Long Wharf. The colonists were happy and a new community was born. The population began to increase thus creating a need to expand the new territory. This increasing demand prompted the movement of small groups to build their homes further and further away from the center of town which we now identify as “The Green”. Families began to stake their claims to less crowded land for more favorable living conditions. This action gave rise to the various towns and neighborhoods in the surrounding area.
This unit will explore the history of New Haven with emphasis being placed on industries which played an important role in the rise of prosperity of the Newhallville neighborhood. As the students learn the history of New Haven they should be able to discover the historical background of Newhallville while making a sharp comparison and contrast of its growth over a period of one hundred years.
When this unit is completed the reader and students will be able to:
1. know the difference between a community and a neighborhood.
2. discuss how Newhallville got its name.
3. know the boundaries of this neighborhood and how it has grown through the years.
4. know the major industries related to the rise and fall of this neighborhood.
5. discuss the architectural design of houses found in this neighborhood.
6. project what this neighborhood will be like in the year 2040.
This unit is designed to be used in grade six as a supplement to the teaching of the Connecticut History Curriculum, however, it can easily be adapted to any K-12 curricula of Social Studies.
The sample lessons provided at the end of this unit will enable the teacher to integrate this unit with other disciplines especially Reading, Language Arts, Mathematics, and Art.
This unit will also provide a list of recommended field trips which would enhance the teaching of its content.
Although the unit is designed to be taught during a ten week marking period, the teacher will be able to use it in parts to meet the needs of individual students and/or a particular class.