Bakeless, John.
Master of the Wilderness—Daniel Boone
. New York: William Morrow & Company, 1939.
For students who want to read about the life of Daniel Boone, this is the book.
Blair, Walter.
Tall Tale America.
New York: Coward-McCann Inc., 1944.
Many of our humorous American folk heroes are found here, in a narrative history of their “doin’s”.
Hamilton, Virgina.
The People Could Fly—American Black Folktales
. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1985.
A beautiful, beckoning book cover to cover. The readable folktales are followed by notes on their historical significance.
Leach, Maria.
The Rainbow Book of American Folk Tales and Legends
. New York: The World Publishing Company, 1958.
This book contains the folklore of heroes and outlaws, mixed with local legends, state lore and other fascinating folk topics.
The Life Treasury of American Folklore
. New York: Time Incorporated, 1961.
Illustrated with paintings by James Lewicki, this collection contains many of the tales used in this unit.
Malcolmson, Anne.
Yankee Doodle’s Cousins
. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1941.
Written for fifth graders, this book provides interesting reading on many of our national folk heroes.
Miller, Brandon. “The Life and Lore of George Washington.”
, July 1983, pp. 1012.
A short introduction to Parson Weems and his “Washington and the Cherry Tree” story. The article is illustrated with Grant Wood’s painting.