to provide a nonthreatening way for students to experience the workings of slavery.
whips (dowels with strings attached),
lists of tasks to be completed,
play money,
a timer.
How to play
Choose an Auctioneer from volunteers. Have the rest of the class count off, eg. 1234, 1234, etc. All the 2’s are Slave Masters and the rest are Slaves. Slave Masters receive a whip, a list of tasks to be completed and equal amounts of money. Slaves must remove all shoes and jewelry. (The Leader should hold all valuables.) Slaves meet in a group behind the auction block. Friends may stand together at this point.
The Auctioneer must sell all Slaves, individually, to the highest bidder. As each Slave is brought to the auction block the Auctioneer points out the Slave’s good qualities, eg. mental abilities, physical endurance, willingness to obey, etc. Each Slave Master tries to buy a team of Slaves that will be able to complete his particular list of tasks in ten minutes. Extra credit will be awarded to Slave Masters who complete their tasks. Each Slave Master must decide if he/she will be a kind or harsh master, and if extra credit will be awarded to his/her slaves. Slaves will decide for themselves if they will be obedient or not.
Set the timer for ten minutes when all the Slave Master-Slave teams are assembled. The Leader and Auctioneer should check on the teams as they do their tasks. At the end of ten minutes award the extracredit. (You may at this time decide to give extracredit to all who participated. Even those who wouldn’t do anything actually did participate.)
You may consider creating a “Freedom Spot” to which Slaves may try to escape. The Auctioneer may serve as an Underground Railroad Conductor in disguise.
Students should discuss the experience. Did the Slaves feel they had any power? How about the Slave Masters? What was it like “up on the auction block”? Did the kindness or harshness of the Slave Masters affect team performance? The game and following discussion will serve as an introduction to the slave tales of freedom and to the story of Peg Leg Joe.