“Liquid, Gaseous and Solid State of Matter”* (Where Do Crystals Appear in These Changes?)
Items Needed
(1) Redistribute folder
(2) Water
(3) Refrigerator (or bring ice in a cooler)
Use the New Haven Gd. 4 Science curriculum book, the chapter on
*, which will also incorporate the water cycle to further have the student see the relationship of crystals and how it changes in our everyday life.
1) If you have a sunny window, put a half a bowl of ice cubes in the window (pretend like it’s a frozen lake as in the science text book).
2) Mark where the water is after the ice melts.
3) Watch it evaporate and see how far below the initial mark after a couple of days.
4) Have children express these steps orally or in writing as they relate to the weather chapter.