Slips of paper with objects and actions written on them. Examples: A flying airplane, filling a glass with water, drying and breaking a dish, a clown performing, etc. There should be enough slips of paper for everyone in class.
15-30 minutes
For students to become an object/character in a given scene, through showing, not telling. To think and act quickly.
Students will be split into two equal teams. Each team will face each other in parallel lines. Example 24 students, 12 on each team, Team A makes two parallel lines of 6. Each student is facing another—the persons they are facing are their partners. Team B does the same. Each student in one line on each team will receive a slip of paper. They may look at what is written on the paper but will say nothing. There will be a designated beginning to the lines. The two teams will begin at the same time—on signal. The first pair on each team will start. The person holding the paper will pantomime what is written. The partner will then interpret the mime until the correct response is given. Once the appropriate response is given the pair of partners sit down and the next pair continue. We have winners when one team is all sitting. The teacher is to keep a close eye on the performers and to keep the activity from becomlng a guessing game.
Students may not look at the slip of paper until it is their time to perform.
1. Remind students to become what they are trying to convey.
2. Remind partners that they are to watch what is being performed then interpret, not just guess randomly.