Carr, Rachel,
Be a Frog, Be a Bird, or a Tree
, New York: Doubleday & Co., Inc., 1973.
This is a book of creative Yoga postures. A fine example of how children can strengthen their bodies with fun, imaginative exercises. The prose are geared toward children. The pictures and ideas will help teachers to instruct.
Furness, Pauline, Ph.D.,
Role-Play in the Elementary School
, New York: Hart Publishing Co., Inc., 1976.
Ideas as to the incorporation of drama within the classroom. Pgs. 30-32 give examples for pantomimes. There are fifty-two lesson plans that deal with ethics, social skills, behavior and much more.
Grenough, Marshall, McGuire, O’Rourke, Spector,
, New Haven: 1979-80, Title VII Arts Pilot Staff.
Written by New Haven teachers—a collection of drama games and activities.
Hall, Sweeny & Esser,
Until the Whistle Blows
, Santa Monica, California: Goodyear Publishing Co., Inc., 1977.
A manual of movement games and activities.
Hamblin, Kay,
Mime, a Playbook of Silent Fantasy
, San Francisco, California: The Headlines Press, Inc., 1978.
An entertaining and informative book on mime. Gives a brief history and a creative and enjoyable way to begin mime through pictures and written instruction.
Hunt, Douglas and Kari,
Pantomime: The Silent Theater
, Hartford, Connecticut: Connecticut Printers, 1964.
An extensive history of mime, from its roots to the television mimes of the 1950’s and early 1960’s.
Loeschke, Maravene Sheppard,
All About Mime
, Englewood Cliffs, New
Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1982.
An examination of mime/pantomime, comparing, explaining, summerizing the history of the schools of mime, the different types of mime and giving instruction for the beginner. There are some good examples of mime walks.
McCaslin, Nellie,
Act Now! Plays and Ways to Make Them
, New York: S.G. Phillips, Inc., 1975.
Gives ideas for drama games and activities. Also playwriting and dramatizing stories and ideas. Pgs. 44-45 tell of the commedia dell ‘arte troups.
Rolfe, Bari, Ed.,
Mimes on Miming
, Los Angeles, CA: Panjandrum Books,
A history of mime as it developed throughout the centuries. Excerpts from many great mime performers discussing their art form.
Spolin, Viola,
Theater Games for the Classroom. A Teacher’s Handbook
, Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, 1986. A wonderful manual, clearly stated lessons for utilizing drama in the classroom. Many games can be applied to a unit on mime.
Stolzenberg, Mark,
Exploring Mime
, New York, Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., 1979.
A manual for beginning mime with clear pictures and written instructions.
Wagner, Betty Jane,
Dorothy Heathcote, Drama As a Learning Medium
, Washington, D.C.: National Education Association of the United States, 1976.
For those teachers who are interested in taking drama further as an educational tool.
Way, Brian,
Development Through Drama
, Atlantic Highland, New Jersey: Humanities Press, 1973.
Another book for those who would like to encorporate drama in their classrooms. Gives many examples and approaches of drama/movement to begin with and develop further.