Barbara W. Coles Trader
Bernstein, H. and Woodward,
Why Students Are Not Learning Very Much from Textbooks
. Virginia: Educational Leadership, 1989, #47, pp 1417. The article is very informative and easy reading.
Brown, William W.
The African American in the American Rebellion
. New ed. New York: Citadel Press, 1971. Albert Boime is the author of the latest edition. William was the first African American novelist and essayist in North America after the Civil War.
Hamil, Pete.
“Fire Tragedy and 87 Deaths in Bronx”
. New York:
New York Post
(Tuesday, March 27, 1990). It is an excellent news article.
Hamilton, Virginia.
. New York: Avon Publishers, 1985. It is a biography about
and her family. Excellent for youngsters.
Hormer, Winslow.
Hudson River Logging:
American Painting and Puzzle
18361910. Cororan Gallery of Art. Washington, D.C. (More than 50 pieces). It is a fine art
Jigsaw Puzzle
pencil signed and painted in 1892, 14 X 20 5/8” for intermediate grades and above).
Kamm, Karlyn.
Solar Reading Flight #2:
Purple Colors and Central Thought. Wisconsin: Learning Multi Systems, Inc. (No. 4 Disk; Apple II and 64K Computer Software), 1989. It is for the Middle School Grades.
Lutz, William. Language Power:
Paintings and Photography
. Illinois: National Council of the Arts, 1989. It is an excellent book for educators.
Riccio, Gabriele L.
the Natural Way
. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1983. The book emphasized using the rightbrain techniques to release one’s expressive powers. The “clustering” is highly useful for creative writing.
Walker, Alice.
The Color Purple.
New York: Pocket Books Co. 1985 It is a current novel/book; a videotape is available for youngsters and adults.
Wigren, Barbara.
Life in Art, Art in Life
. West Haven, Connecticut: NEA Professional Library (December, 1989). It is an excellent article for educators.