The students will copy the words from the chalkboard. Next, they will find the sentences that contain the words in the chapter. Then, they will find the vocabulary word in the dictionary and write the selected definition as it was used in the context of the sentence.
Comprehension Questions
Why was “Sounder” a good name for the dog?
How did “Sounder” help the family?
What did being lonely mean to the boy?
Describe how the breakfast smells, were different from the usual morning smells.
Give evidence of the boy’s love and respect for his father.
List two descriptions of the mother’s behavior that tell about her personality.
Classroom Discussion
Compare and contrast the lives of the sharecropper and the landowner.
Literary Technique—Simile
Explain and give examples of similes.
“The white man who owned the vast endless fields had scattered the cabins of his Negro sharecroppers far apart, like fly specks on a whitewashed ceiling.”
What is being compared in this sentence from chapter one?
Writing Activity
What would you have done if you had been a child in that family?