Barnhart, Marion I.; Henry, Raymond: Lusher, Jeanne M., M.D.:
Sickle Cell
; A Scope Publication, The Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, Michigan. 1976.
Goodenough, Ursula,
, Saunders College, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, New York, N.Y., 1984. This is a good text on chemical background.
Kelly, Patricia Tl,
Dealing with Dilemma
, Univ. of Call, San Francisco, California. 1977-/ Springer-Verlag, Inc. N.Y.
Lewin, B.,
, 3rd Edition. John Wiley & Sons, N.Y., 1987
Mange, Arthur P. and Elaine Johansen Mange,
Genetics: Human
. Saunders College, Phila.m 1980. Good for basic aspects of genetics. Also, there is a good discussion on genetic screening. Holt, Rinehart, & Winston, Inc. N.Y. 1977.
Milansky, Aubrey,
Know Your Genes,
Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Co.; 1977. Easily read and would be understandable and helpful for a parent who is undergoing genetic counseling.
Moore, Keith D,
Before We Are Born
: basic embryology and birth defects, 1989, W.B. Saunders Co., Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, Publishers, Orlando, Florida or Phila.
Morrison, T. ; Cornett, F. , Tether, J.E., and Gratz, P.,
Human Physiology, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Inc. N.Y., 1977
Very good, Chapters 33 and 34.
Nichois, Eve K.,
Human Gene Therapy
, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Science., Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. 1988. The facts, the hopes, the ethical concerns surrounding a revolutionary treatment of inherited disease.
Otto, J; and Towle, A.;
Modern Biology
, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, N.Y., 1977. Chapters 8,9, 10 and 11.
Penrose, L.S.,
Outline of Human Genetics
, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1959.
Rugh, Rl and Shettles, L.B.,
From Conception to Birth
: The drama of life in the beginning., Harper and Row, N.Y., 1971.
Silverstein, Alvin and Silverstein, Virginia,
The Genetics
Four Winds Press, New York. Discusses genetic diseases and explores the controversy over genetic engineering. Very easy reading.
Singer, Sam,
Human Genetics
, W. H. Freeman & Co., San Francisco, Calif., 1978 .
Stent, Gunther., and Colendar, Richard,
Molecular Genetics
, 2nd Edition, 1978, W. H. Freeman & Co., San Francisco, Calif. An introductory narrative. Good on crossover, p.60.
Stern, Curt,
Principles of Human Genetics
, 1972., W. H. Freeman & Co., San Francisco, Calif. Permits a good approach to the structure of genes and their alleles. page 46 very informative reading, also pages 177-178.
Thompson, J. and Thompson, Ml,
Genetics in Medicine
, W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1980. Good introduction
Watson, J.D.,
Molecular Biology of the Gene
, 2nd Ed. University of Benjamin, N. Y. 1970.
Watson, J.D.; Tooze, John; Kurtz, David;
Recombinant DNA-
A Short Course
. Scientific American Books. W. H. Freeman & Co., 41 Madison Ave, N.Y., 10010.
Biological Science—A Molecular Approach:
BSCS Blue Version, 6th Edition; D.C. Heath & Co., Lexington, Massachusetts.
Jaweta, Ernest, M.D.: Melnick, Joseph L.; Adelberg, Ed. A.:
Review of Medical Microbiology
15th Edition; Lange Medical Publications, Los Altos, California, 1982.
Wittman, Karl Sl,
Basic Sciences for Health Careers
, Nursing and Allied Health Series, Gregg Division of McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1976. Good general text.
“The Genetic Age”,
Business Week
, May 26, 1990. Good background for debating issues of the legal, ethical and social aspects of genetic testing.
“Genetic Testing May Mark Some People As Undesirable To Employers, Insurers”.
New York Times
, July 10, 1990. Health Section. Some people have been denied jobs or adopting babies because of the outcome of genetic testing.
“Scientists Find Gene That Can Cause Skin Tumors and Learning Disabilities”.
The Wall Street Journal
, July 13, 1990, B3. Finding the gene that causes neurofibromatosis may help in the inheritance picture of some types of cancer.
“Gene Map Key On Whitney Avenue”,
New Haven Sunday Register
, July 15, 1990, Section B; Explains the work of the bios Corp. doing gene mapping. They hope to produce a standard set of human DNA that other researchers can use—a library of genes.
“The Gene Hunt”, Jaroff, Leon,
, March 20, 1989.
Basic knowledge for the general public to understand the scope of the Human Genome project.
“Battling Illness With body Proteins” Murray Mary.
News, Vol 131, January 17, 1987. Explanation of the early work of recombinant DNA. Using bacterial techniques to make pharmaceuticals. The first genecloned medical product was insulin.
The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy
, Holvey, MD., Ed. Talbott, John H., M.D., Consulting Editor. Published by Merck, Sharp & Dohme Research Laboratories, 12th Ed.
Audio-Visual Material
Anna: Morguio syndrome
, accompanied by Dr. Greta Seashore or some other genetic professional. This video will give incite into how one person, with a genetic disease has adjusted her life and is a productive member of society.
“Chances Choices”Ten scenes describing genetic concepts in the context of one fictional family’s medical history. 53 wall St for brochure.
Genetic Concepts Kit, Ca #70, Lab-Aids, Inc. wards, 53 Wall St.
Speakers available as genetic professionals to speak on selected topics in Medical Genetics. (contact Dr. Greta Seashore)
DNA Made Easy—Plastic DNA and RNA building blocks; transcription and translation. Ward’s catalog) 53 Wall St.
March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation, 31 Bernhard Rd., North Haven
United States Public Health Service, Public Information Officer, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, 20014.
National Foundation-March of Dimes, P.O. Box 2000, White Plains, New York 10602.
National Genetics Foundation, 9 West 57th St. New York, N.Y.
The last three foundations have a great amount of genetic information.