Silvia D. Ducach
Acosta-Belén, Edna. “The Literature of the Puerto Rican National Minority in the United States.” 5: 1-2
The Bilingual Review
, January-August 1978, pp. 107-116.
An overview of the literature of the last ten years of Puerto Ricans in the United States including some positions on the debate on the issue of the “national question.” Very insightful.
Algar’n, Miguel and Miguel Pi–ero. ed.
Nuyorican Poetry. An
Anthology of Puerto Rican Words and Feelings
. William Morrow and Company: New York, 1975.
Contains an excellent introduction about Nuyorican poetry and Nuyorican language by Miguel Algar’n. This anthology of poetry is in Spanish and English.
Anderson-Imbert, Enrique and Eugenio Florit.
Holt, Rinehart and Wiston, Inc.: New York, 1960.
A historical anthology of Hispanic-American Literature from 1492 until 1960. Very useful for Bilingual or Foreign Language teachers. (In Spanish)
Anderson-Imbert, Enrique.
Historia de la Literatura Hispanoamericana.
Fondo de Cultura Económica: México, 1954.
Contains a history of Hispanic-American literature from 1942 until 1966. (In Spanish)
Bab’n, Mar’a Teresa.
La Cultura de Puerto Rico
. Instituto de Cultura Puertorrique–a: San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1970.
An overview of Puerto Rican culture. Contains several chapters on Puertorrican poetry and prose. It offers a very useful chronology of historical events in Puerto Rico from 1493 to 1968. (In Spanish) Useful for Bilingual and Spanish teachers.
Barradas, Efra’n and Rafael Rodr’guez.
Herejes y Mitificadores
Muestra de Poes’a Puertorrique–a en los Estados Unidos
. Ediciones Huracán: Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, 1980.
A collection of Nuyorican poetry with a very insightful introduction by Efrain Barradas and a very interesting note by the translator of the poetry. It also offers a good bibliography. (In Spanish).
Carrera-Andrade, Jorge.
Reflections on Spanish-American Poetry
. Translated by Don C. Bliss and Gabriela Bliss. State University of New York Press: Albany, 1973.
A collection of essays on Spanish-American poetry highlighting characteristics that make it unique. Historical and literary overview. I recommend it for Bilingual, Spanish teachers and anyone who loves poetry. (In English).
Cruz-Ma1avé, Arnaldo. “Teaching Puerto Rican Authors: Modernization and Identity in Nuyorican Literature.”
Modern Language Association
, December 1988, pp. 45-51.
Analyzes the search of identity in Nuyorican poetry and prose.
D’az-Plaja, Guillermo.
Feder’co Garc’a-Lorca.
Editorial Guillermo Kraft: Buenos Aires, 1948.
An in-depth look at the Spanish writer’s work. (In Spanish).
Durán, Cheli, ed. and trans.
The Yellow Canary Whose Eye Is So Black
. Macmillan Publishing Co.: New York, 1977.
Offers an excellent overview of Spanish-American Poetry in Spanish and English. I recommend the introduction.
Durán, Manuel. ed.
Lorca, A Collection of Critical Essays
. Prentice Hall, Inc.: Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1965.
This book offers a very good collection of essays on different aspects of Lorca’s work. (In English)
Flores Juan John Attinasi and Pedro Pedraza Jr. “La Carreta Made a U-Turn: Puerto Rican Language and Culture in the United States” 110:2
(Spring, 1981), pp. 193-217.
Very illuminating article on the situation of Puerto Ricans in the United States vis a vis American culture and other Hispanic groups. Analysis of Puerto Rican speech and recent literature. Excellent for any teacher working with Puerto Rican students.
Fernández-Moreno, César.
Introducción a La Poes’a
. Fondo de Cultura Económica, México, 1973.
This book defines poetry from Traditional to Avant Garde. I recommend it to Spanish and Bilingual teachers who want to know more about universal topics in poetry. (In Spanish).
Guralnik, David B. ed.
Webster’s New World Dictionary
. Collins World: Cleveland, 1975.
I obtained the definition of ode and other poetic terms from this dictionary.
Hernández-Cruz, Victor.
By Lingual Wholes
. Momo’s Press: San Francisco, 1982.
I enjoyed this book of poetry but found it too difficult for the middle grades. I recommend it for secondary school students. All the poems are in English.
Rhythm, Content and Flavor
. Arte Publico Press: Houston, 1989. Same comments as above apply to this book also.
Koch, Kenneth.
Wishes, Lies, and Dreams. Teaching Children to Write Poetr
y. Harper and Row: New York, 1970.
Excellent suggestions on how to teach poetry to children. Contains a section on poems using Spanish words.
Lauter, Paul. et. al.
The Health Anthology of American Literature
. Volume II D.C. Heath and Company: Lexington, Massachusetts, 1990.
This book served as our Institute’s text. It contains American poetry from 1865 to the present. It contains poetry by poets of various ethnic and racial backgrounds. The biographical and literary introductions to the work of each writer are very useful to the teacher.
Laviera, Tato.
La Carret Made a U-Turn
. Arte Público Press, Houston, 1984.
This is a book of Tato Laviera’s poetry. He is one of the Nuyorican poets studied in this unit. See Lesson Plan for the Poem “Fr’o”
Levins-Morales, Aurora and Rosario Morales.
Getting Home Alive
. Firebrand Books: Ithaca, New York, 1986.
This book offers poetry and prose by a mother and daughter team of writers. See the poems “Child of the Americas” and “Happiness is a Coqu’” discussed in this unit.
Matilla, Alfredo and Iván Silén.
The Puerto Rican Poets
. Bantam Books: New York, 1972.
Contains and anthology of most important Puerto Rican poetry (according to the editors) since before 1955 to the time of publication. It offers an interesting introduction in English and the poems are also presented in translation.
Messing, Shelley. “Teaching Poetry en Dos Languages.”
Teachers and Writers
, May-June 1982, Volume 13, No. 5, pp. 6-11.
Very inspirational article by a New York English teacher who taught Spanish poetry to elementary school students in the South Bronx. I like her approach and recommend this article to Bilingual and Spanish teachers alike. It offers many good suggestions for the classroom.
Ort’z-Cofer, Judith.
Terms of Survival
. Arte Público Press: Houston, 1987.
Wonderful poet. I selected three of her poems from this book for this unit.
Rodriguez, Denise. “Voices of Hispanic America.”
, December 1990.
This articles outlines the contributions of several Hispanic-Americans in the United States.
Rodr’guez-Monegal, Emir.
El Viajero Inmóvil
. Monte Avila Editores: Caracas, 1977.
Very complete study of Pablo Neruda’s poetry. (In Spanish).