Axline, Virginia.
Dibs, In Search of Self
. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1964.
This is the case history of Dibs, a boy who was severely withdrawn. Virginia Axline treated him for a year, using play therapy, and the book is drawn from her notes and the tapes made at each session.
Education Development Center,
No Two Alike; Helping Children with Special Needs
. (Exploring Childhood/Working with Children Series). Cambridge: Education Development Center, 1974.
This manual was originally published for high school students working as aides in special needs classrooms. However, it has many interesting case histories of both children with special needs and their families.
Fukurai, Shiro.
How Can I Make What I Cannot See
?. New York: VanNostrand Reinhold Co., 1974.
Shiro Fukurai is an art teacher who has taught at Kobe Municipal School for the Blind for many years. This book concerns the special problems and rewards involved in teaching art to blind children.
Goffman, Erving.
Notes On a Spoiled Identity
. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1963.
Using mental institutions and prisons as examples, Goffman examines the effect of institutionalization on a person’s self identity and how he or she is perceived by others.
Green, Hannah.
I Never Promised You a Rose Garden
. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1964.
A novel concerning the commitment and recovery of a schizophrenic teenage girl.
Grollman, Sharon Hyer.
More Time to Grow
Explaining Mental Retardation
To Children: A Story
. Boston: Beacon Press, 1977.
A book for both adults and children. The adult section of this book is a general guide for parents and teachers about mental retardation.
Hunt, Nigel.
The World of Nigel Hunt
The Diary of a Mongoloid Youth
. New York, Garrett Publication, 1967.
This book is a series of recollections by Nigel Hunt of his life. Nigel’s parents were told when he was quite small that there was no possibility that he would ever become literate. His mother did not accept the doctor’s verdict, and very patiently set about teaching her moderately retarded son to read and write. This is the result of that teaching.
Isaacson, Robert.
The Retarded Child: A Guide for Parents and Friends
. Niles, IL: Argus Communications, 1974.
This is a general guide to the development and education of mentally retarded children. It also discusses the ramifications for the family of the addition of a mentally retarded member.
Kirk, Samuel.
Educating Exceptional Children.
Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Co., 1972, 2nd Edition.
This textbook gives an excellent overview of the educational needs of children with handicaps.
Kronick, Doreen (Ed.),
They Can Succeed
A Practical Guide for Parents of Learning Disabled Children
. San Rafael, CA: Academic Therapy Publications, 1969.
A general book containing information about recognizing and diagnosing learning disabilities, and a description of some educational programs for children with learning disabilities.
Park, Clara.
The Siege; the first eight years of an autistic child
. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1976.
A discussion of what is known about autism, its causes and treatment, using case histories as points of interest.
Park, Clara.
You Are Not Alone. Understanding and Dealing with Mental Illness
, A
Guide for Parents
and Other Professionals
. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1976.
An overview of the subject of mental illness, looking at the causes, development, treatment, and prognosis of different kinds of emotional problems.