Iole A. Apicella
Objective To understand the importance of the discovery of a new land by analyzing the background of the enterprise.
Teaching aids: A map of the European Continent and a Map showing the Caribbean Islands of Haiti, Martinique and Guadeloupe(possibly enlarged).
Procedure The teacher will explain to the students that they will be rediscovering the Island of Haiti. The teacher will give the background of Columbus beliefs about his voyage. He or she will explain that the whole class will participate in the project. It is also important that they understand that everytime the word “freeze” is pronounced the whole class will stop in the position they are sought. The class will be then divided into three sets of actors: Columbus, the sailors and the Indians.
1. Columbus will read the letter to his Majesties. The sailors and the Indians will position for action.
Freeze—Question: Columbus what are you really thinking? Why did you say that you still have some natives with you? Why are the Indians so willing to give?
2. The game will resume and the sailors will approach the natives. Freeze. The teacher will ask to one of the sailors why did he go on the land, why he is approaching the native, what does he think about the individual. These questions do not have to be asked necessarily to the same person but rather it can be asked to different students and the game can be resumed or stopped any time the teacher wants. A variation of it could also be to elect or nominate a captain.
3. The third group representing the natives can also elect a chief representing the tribe. The questions can deal with fear, superstition, special of the moment feelings etc.
In the course of my teaching I have noticed many times that we do not give enough credit to the potential of the students. This is one of the occasion when their power of imagination should be promoted.
The landing at Hispaniola
(figure available in print form)