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Buzzi, Giancarlo, Giuseppina Bonaparte. Ed. Rusconi 1983. Detailed autobiography of Josephine Bonaparte. In Italian.
Du Puis, Pere Mathias, Relation de l’establissement d’une colonie francaise dans la Guadeloupe isle de l’Amerique et des moeurs des sauvaqes. Original account of the establishment of a French colony in Guadeloupe. In old French.
Gaston,Martin, Histoire de l’esclavage dans les colonies francaises. Paris P.U,F.1948. Account of the slavery in the French Colonies, In French.
Giraud, Michel, Races et classes a la Martiniaue. Ed. Anthropos, Paris, 1979. Different backgrounds of the inhabitants of Martinique. In French.
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*Waterman, Charles E., Carib Queens. Boston, Bruce Humphries, Inc., 1935. Three stories of women in the Caribbean Sea and the role thy played in the fights for freedom on the islands of Haiti, Saint Domingue and Martinique.