Sandy Tolan and Nancy Postero. “Accidents of History.”
New York Times Magazine
, February 23, 1992.
The Yuqui Indians of Bolivia emerge from the rain forest into the 20th century.
Berrigan, Daniel.
The Mission: A Film Journal
. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1986.
Father Berrigan played a small role as a priest in the film, “The Mission.” He also served as an advisor to Jeremy Irons about his character, Father Gabriel, a leading role. Berrigan kept a journal of his experiences.
Boff, Leonardo.
Nova Evangelizacao: Perspectiva dos Oprimidos
. Fortaleza, CE:
Brugada Guanes, Alejandro.
Paracuaria: obras arquitectonicas de la era jesuitica en el Paraguay
. Asunción: Offset Comuneros, 1975.
Burns E., Bradford.
A History of Brazil
. Second edition. New York: Columbia University Press, 1980.
A very complete and useful history.
“Can Stone Age Indians Survive in the Modern World?”
Weekly Reader
, senior edition, Volume 46, Issue 9, November 15, 1991.
The culture and traditions of the Yanomamo Indians of Brazil and Venezuela are protected by the government of Venezuela.
The Captivity of Hans Stade of Hease. 1547 - 1555. Among the Wild Tribes of Brazil
. (Translated by Albert Tootal, Esq.) London: Hakluyt Society, 1874.
Caraman, Philip. 1911.
The Lost Paradise: The Jesuit Republic in South America.
London: Sidgwick and Jackson. c1975. 1976 printing.
An excellent source on the history of Jesuits, Guarani Indians and Missions in Paraguay.
Carpentier, Alejo.
The Harp and the Shadow
. (Translated by Thomas Christensen and Carol Christensen.) SanFrancisco: Mercury House, Inc., 1990.
As a complete novel,
The Harp and the Shadow
is advanced for middle school students. However, selections can be used with them. In particular, I will use the thoughts and comments of Dieguito, the Taino Indian who is brought to Spain by Columbus. He finds the Spaniards of bad odor and peculiar habit. p. 106-107.
Cushner, Nicholas P.
Lords of The Land: (Sugar, Wine, and Jesuit Estates of Coastal Peru. 1600-1767.)
Albany: State University of New York Press, c1980.
Cushner chronicles Jesuits in Peru, contemporary to the missions in Paraguay.
De las Casas, Bartolome.
History of the Indies
. (Translated and edited by Andree Collard.) New York, Torchbook Library, 1971.
De las Casas is required reading as he is the first outspoken Spanish critic of the conquest of the Americas. Though he praised Columbus for the intelligence and courage to discover the New World, he spared no quarter in his attack on the imperialist and destructive conquest which followed. This edition is edited for relevance and readability. Sections may be pulled for classroom use.
Elliot, Arthur Elwood, 1888.
Jesuit Reductions of Paraguay
. Indianapolis: College of Missions, 1920.
Gaffney, Jeanette. “Between Aztlán and Quivira: Europeans and Indians in the Southwestern United States,”
Yale New Haven Teachers Institute
, Volume I, Number 1. New Haven, CT: Yale University, 1991.
From the seminar, “Regions and Regionalism in the United States: Studies in the History and Cultures of the South, the Northeast and the American Southwest” with Howard Lamar.
Gaffney, Jeanette. “The High Road of Saint James,” by Alejo Carpentier.
Yale New Haven Teachers Institute
, Volume I, Number 1. New Haven: Yale University, 1987.
From the seminar, “The Modern Short Story in Latin America” with Roberto González Echevarr’a. The study of a short story of a Spanish pilgrim in the New World.
Graham, R. B. Cunninghame.
A Vanishing Arcadia: Being Some Account of the Jesuits in Paraguay 1607-1767
. New York: The MacMillan Company, 1901.
Caraman finds Cunninghame Graham’s book important even though it was published nearly a century ago. In reading, one develops a clear sense of the disappearance of the Jesuits in the 18th century. Even as he writes Graham speaks of their forgotten contributions.
Hargreaves-Mawdsley, W. N.
Eighteenth Century Diplomatic and Institutional History
. London: Macmillan, 1979.
A good source to untangle the jealousies and politics leading up to the expulsion of the Jesuits from the New World.
Hemming, John, 1935.
Red Gold: The Conquest of the Brazilian Indians
. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1978.
Red gold refers to the lucrative market in the enslavement of Indians. This book is central to the theme of this paper.
Herr, Richard.
The Eighteenth Century Revolution in Spain
. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1958.
Another useful source into the complications of religion and politics in Iberia.
Hill, B. J. W. Background to Spain. London: Longmans, Green and Co., Ltd., 1969.
A less thorough history.
Leon-Portilla, Miguel, ed. The
Broken Spears
The classic of the rewritten history of Mexico. Leon-Portilla has collected whatever texts survived which had been written by Indians about the conquest. Easily readable by students, it gives a perspective of the Indians reactions and experiences which is difficult to find.
Hudson, Henry William.
Green Mansions
A Romance of the Tropical Forest
. London: Duckworth, 1931.
Humboldt, Alexander von, 1769-1859.
A Catelogue of the Library
Irving A. Leonard.
Colonial Travelers in Latin America
. Newark, Del.: Juan de la Cuesta, c1972.
This collection contains several important texts relevant to our theme, including writings by the first Jesuit to Brazil, Bougainville’s account of the expulsion of the Jesuits, and von Humboldt’s experiences among the Caribs in Venezuela.
Long, Haniel, 1888-1956.
The marvellous Adventure of Cabeza de Vaca: Also Malinche
. London: PanBooks, 1975; Picador ed.
Cabeza de Vaca was an early explorer of the Southwestern United States and Mexico. His biography lends another perspective to the conquest. He was also governor of Asuncion, Paraguay, deposed in 1544.
McAlister, Lyle N.
Spain and Portugal in the New World. 1492-1700
. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c1984.
Though very academic and comprehensive (including the entire New World,) McAlister has provided a basic text with a considerable collection of statistics and an intelligent interpretation.
McNaspy, C. J. (Clement J.,) 1915.
Conquest or Inculturation: Ways of Ministry in the Early Jesuit Missions
. Regina: Campion College, University of Regina, [1986], c1979.
McNaspy, C. J. (Clement J.,) 1915.
Lost Cities of Paraguay: Art and Architecture of the Jesuit Reductions. 1607-1767
. Chicago: Loyola University Press, c1982. Photographs by J.M. Blanch.
Montaigne, Michel de, 1533-1592.
Complete Essays.
Map Supplement, “Spain in the Americas.” National Geographic, February, 1992, Volume 181, Number 2.
“Spain in the Americas” is an excellent map depicting the exploration and division of the New World between Spain and Portugal.
Map Supplement, “Amazonia: A World Resource at Risk,” map of Brazilian rain forests; “Paraguay: Plotting a New Course.”
National Geographic
, August, 1992, Volume 182, Number 2.
“Brazil: Moment of promise and Pain.”
National Geographic
, March, 1987, Volume 171, Number 3.
“Alexander von Humboldt, Geographic Pioneer.”
National Geographic
, September, 1985, Volume 168, Number 3.
“Christopher Columbus and the New World He Found.”
National Geographic
, November, 1975, Volume 148, Number 5.
Nunn, George Emra, 1882.
The Diplomacy Concerning the Discovery of America
. Jenkintown, Pa.: Tall Tree Library, 1948.
Pendle, George.
Paraguay: A Riverside Nation
. London: Oxford University Press, 1967.
A brief account of the early history of Paraguay, peppered with mid 20th century attitudes about the natural indolence of the Guarani. Another perspective. It would be useful to students to learn about the Guarani from a current perspective and then read and react to Pendle’s descriptions.
Indian-religious Relations in Colonial Spanish America
. Syracuse, NY: Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, 1989. Edited by Susan E. Ramirez; contributors, Murdo J. MacLeod . . . [et al.]
Ratto, Luis Alberto.
Garcilaso de la Vega
. Lima: Editorial Universitaria, 1964. Guaman Poma de Ayala por Federico Kauffmann.
Echevarr’a, Roberta González. “Seminar Description for 1992,” in
Yale New Haven Teachers Institute
, Volume I, Number 1. New Haven: Yale University, 1991.
This is the bibliography from the seminar from which this paper was written, “Writings and Rewritings of the Discovery and Conquest of the Americas.
Spain: A Country Study
. Area Handbook Series. Federal Research Division, Library of Congress, 1990. Edited by Eric Solsten and Sandra W. Meditz
A simple resource for facts about Spain. Contains some photographs.
Vargas Llosa, Mario.
The Storyteller
. New York: Farvar Straus Giroux, 1989. Translated by Helen Lane.
Vargas Llosa has written a novel about a modern Peruvian who becomes involved in the culture of stone age rain forest Indians, the Machiguengas. The novel is perhaps too advanced for middle school students, but retold by the teacher, it could have fascinating implications.
Velazquez, Rafael Eladio.
Paraguay in the Age of Jesuit Missions
. Asunción, Paraguay: Mediterraneo?, 1988.
Vogt, Federico.
Estudios Historicos: La Civilizacion de los Guaranies en los Siglos XVII v XVIII
. con un mapa. Buenos Aires: Imprenta de Guadalupe, 1903.
Wilgus, A. Curtis (Alva Curtis), 1897-1981.
Latin America. Spain and Portugal. a selected and annotated bibliographical guide to books published in the United States.1954-1974
. Metuchen,NJ: Scarecrow Press,1977. Compiled and annotated by A. Curtis Wilgus.